WIP [b]Faction Name[/b]: The Second Unity of the Disciples of Ralirim or shorthanded, The Ralirim or The Unity [b]Faction leader[/b]: Primarch Carimus Aventum IV [b]System[/b]: The Celestine System [b]Planet(s)/Territories[/b]: Tyral V, a temperate planet with bountiful farmland and bustling tiered cities, and its moon Agartha, a tropical forest moon with settlements mainly focusing on genetic and other scientific research and academics. [b]Faction Desc[/b]: The goal of the Second Unity is to unite all the followers of the Ralirim religion under one banner. The Ralirim religion is based in the knowledge and teachings contained in the word of The Grand Architect Ralirim, the entity solely responsible for the creation of the Universe and mankind. Ralirim manifests within individual “prophets” who spread his word and become The Ralirim religion’s Primarch, and leader. The Ralirim follow strict moral and ethical codes that is set down in their sacred text, The Prime Lexicon. The Ralirim seek to spread “order” to the chaotic Universe that Ralirim created. The Ralirim beliefs regarding the Primarch are as follows: Primarch's are a unique incarnation of the will and teaching of Ralirim. As one Primarch dies, another incarnation of the prophet is born within the same day, this a great search begins as clerics and disciples are sent out in droves to find the new prophet. Upon being discovered the prophet is taken immediately to Concordia for testing. Eventually after the child's holy nature is reaveled, he is immediately blessed by the Council and crowned Primarch of the Second Unity of the Disciples of Ralirim. [u]The Tenets of Ralirim as written in The Prime Lexicon[/u] I. In the Beginning Ralirim created everything, and thus everything belongs to Ralirim II. The Universe is vast and chaotic, and so Ralirim gave birth to Mankind to bring order to his creation. III. Man is the servant of Ralirim and must follow his word. IV. Mankind must bring order to the Universe. V. All of Mankind was created equal VI. Those who do not serve Ralirim are not of Man [b]History[/b]: The early history of the Disciples of Ralirim is not fully understood, and what little fragments remains are kept secured in the codex vaults on Agartha. What can be certain is even in the earliest days of the Arcturus Imperium, the Disciples of Ralirim existed, though perhaps shrouded in secrecy it may have more resembled a cult than anything else. In the II Historical Codex, it is written that in ASY 3,047 Tyral V officially became the seat of the newly formed Second Unity of the Disciples of Ralirim , and theocracy of Ralirim, with Veerus Caerum II as Primarch. After the fall of the Imperium, the Ralirim found that the absence of Imperial authority allowed for them to rise in power. As many human feared the xenos insurrections, the Ralirim offered a light in the darkness, a home for mankind. Their numbers grew, but the Ralirim were never able to attain the military presence they so desired in order to begin their “Grand Crusade” as described in the IX chapter of the The Prime Lexicon. There began short lived Focusing mainly on sustainability and domestic stability, the Pax Ralimus began in and The Ralirum began their age of isolationism. They spread the Tenets of Ralirim through special “missions” to convert the “corrupted” populations around them. They focused research efforts on genetic enhancement in order to compensate for their lack of economy and technology. Sooh with GMO crops and cattle, The Ralirim were able to reach of level of sustainability that many never attain. Now, as the Grand Duchy begins to fracture, The Second Unity sees an opportunity for the true word of Ralirim to be heard. Order must reign in the chaos. [b]Government type[/b]: Theocracy - Primarch Carimus Aventum IV as the leader [b]Military Capabilities[/b]: A minimal fleet focused on defense, and a land force made up of genetically enhance soldiers, and light vehicles. [u]Second Unity Fleet[/u] 200 Light frigates - fast lightly armed ships, mainly used to transport ground troops 120 Corvettes - fast, moderately armed ship, fighter squadron compliments 40 Carriers - Ships primary function to serve as platform for launching fighter and bomber squadrons 70 Crusader Battlecruisers - heavily armed and heavily armored ships that suffer a loss in speed and maneuverability 10 Inquisition Class Dreadnoughts - Heavily armed, heavily armored, and as fast possible for a ship this size, these ships are the only aspect of the Ralirim fleet that pose a serious threat. [u]The Sword of Ralirim[/u] (Ground and Air forces) Foot soldiers receive varying degrees of “Baptism” that is the equivalent of being genetically enhanced and undergoing intense and severe physical training. Clerics: Superior genetically enhanced soldiers that rely on their ability to out smart, out shoot and out maneuver the enemy. They act as personal guards for the Ralirim hierarchy, inquisitors and the spearhead of the Second Unity's ground forces. [hider=Cleric][img]http://i.imgur.com/Qbw5mxp.jpg[/img] High Cleric Sedar Malak in his containment of the chaos of an unknown xenos species.[/hider] Disciple Class Infantry: Foot soldier of the Ralirim, clad with standard issue Mk-7a Ballistics armor, and baptized by Ralirim with minor genetic enhancements. Disciplined and tough, they stand ready to fall in the name of Ralirim. [hider=Disciple][img]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/5f/f2/1f/5ff21fc7a3810be7e8d08f1243b1cfec.jpg[/img][/hider] Clone infantry - Expendable Infantry units that can be produced at quick rates (Funded by Enlil) [hider=Clones][img]http://i1146.photobucket.com/albums/o537/dyson119/endwar_zps781156fd.jpg[/img][/hider] Mk 2 "Zealot" Heavy Tank [hider=tank][img]http://conceptartworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Tank_Concept_Art_by_Darren_Bartley_01.jpg[/img][/hider] MX6 Harbinger Combat Mech (Funded by Enlil) [hider=mech][img]http://www.peterlandtr09.narod.ru/images/lj/lilly/lilly_03.jpg[/img][/hider] MAT mk 23b Troop transport [hider=transport][img]http://bf2142.free-gfx.com/bf2142_vehicles/bf2142_PAC_vehicles/pac_airtransport_btr20_yastreb/pac_btr20_04.png[/img][/hider] P-89d Planetary and Stellar Fighter [hider=fighter][img]http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/273/a/f/modular_shuttle_k36_by_adamkop-d5gdtox.jpg[/img][/hider]