When he feels the angel approaching Kuro sits up. His head swivels around a bit, wondering just how to greet the youngster. [i]'Maybe I should let him make the first move. I hate working at another's pace, but he's not like the others. His pace is nice and slow, like mine. Yeah, I'll just sit here like a lump'[/i] Decision made Kuro leans forward a bit, propping his elbows on his knees, lacing his fingers together, he presses his upper lip to the fingers and waits quietly. When the young angel enters and tenses at the sight of him, Kuro can feel the tension in the air. [i]'Should I do something? Should I wait?'[/i] He turns his head ever so slightly so he can see Aoba. [i]'He's relaxing, that's good, I guess. . .'[/i] His eyes catch sight once again of the small collection of injuries and he has to fight not to just begin doctoring the little mouse. [i]'If they are not treated soon and well, they will scar. I know I can live with my scars, but he's always been so innocent and pure, I think such things would do nothing but distress him'[/i] He doesn't react to the boy hiding the wounds, instead just watching quietly for Aoba to tell him what he wants. However moments later his stomach drops a bit as Aoba asks to use the kit. [i]'I guess he's made his decision about who he wants treating him'[/i] Without a word he stands and moves towards the door. As he passes Aoba he stops. “If you don't want to scar, come see me later.” Glancing down he takes one of the angel's hands in his own, looking at the little splinters still left under the skin. “Careful pulling these out, but don't miss any. These can get infected.” His bit said Kuro drops the boy's hand and walks back outside. He stops on the porch, looking around the area carefully. [i]'Let's see if he'll change his mind. If I walk off now, he'll most likely let me go, but if I stick close, he may ask for my help. . .'[/i] Sure that it's a long shot, Kuro lets out a sigh and looks once more to where the attack was, a light growl on his lips at the memory.