Eli walked behind the bar and made himself a drink. This pool hall had a little bit everything and was opened nearly twenty-fours a day. It was a bar, it was a coffee house, a restaurant, a lounge. It made a great place for any one of Eli's niferous needs, anything from a meeting place to a exchange center. It also doubled as one of his favourite places that he has ever been. All this coupled with the fact that he was extremely close to the owners and each of their families of this establishment, meant he pretty much had free run of the place all without a ever having to pay a tab. Within reason of course. Elijah made his way over to the corner with very pretty red headed woman. After sometime and light hearted banter, situation turned south as it often it did. Seldom did any plan ever work for the poor guy. Things just had a way of working themselves out. This however, was not one of those times. This was one of those times wherein nothing good was going happen. This was one of those of those time that was going to be looked backed on and laughed about one day. While the lighthearted banter went extremely well, that was until her boyfriend showed up. He was a huge mountain of a man, and a conduit to boot. It didn't take long for the an already bad situation to turn into a fight. Eli was by far the faster of the two, however he wasn't nearly as strong as his opponent. Who had just thrown Eli into the streets filled on coming traffic. It took him a moment to get but when Eli did, he came up fighting. Rapidly throwing bolts of lighting at his assailant, bolts that did little to nothing to slow his assailant down. Who came back with a powerful attack that sent him flying through a cafe window, smashing into a million pieces. He thanked whatever deity that guided him for superhuman endurance that all conduits held. He rolled over once on his stomach and pushed himself up. "Can't keep yourself out of trouble, aye buddy?" Came a voice from behind him. "Whats going on Zeke?" Eli said somewhat cheerfully, if not a little winded and bruised from his morning 'exercise.' "I'll be with you in a few minutes Zeke. Gotta finish this first." Eli got to his feet and snapped his thumbs and middle fingers on both his hands forming a lighting grenade in each hand. He threw one at his assailant's face and the one at the assailants chest. A moment later they exploded, that however that one the preamble attack as he followed that with a barage of his punches and elbows using conduit powers to bolster each of them. Enraged and hurt the assailant went after Eli with a long sweeping punch that was as powerful and was it was long. Eli slipped under the punch and caught the assailant with an elbow across his jaw, using his conduit abilities he fully charged his elbow and turned it into a highly powerful attack. Eli watched the assailant fall to the ground and pass out. Eli took a deep breath and staggered back into the cafe. "So, Zeke, what's happening buddy? Anything new and exciting in your world?"