Goliath hears about Elizabeth's new 'position' and smirked. He looked at the paladin as he drew his sword. "Well now that's quite the surprise." He said in a cold and calm voice. He the turned back to the pope. He immediately turned to Emire to her the man bragging about his race. Talking about how they aren't violent and never start anything like that. Goliath already wanted to snap the mans neck. It would be easy. Goliath thought to himself. He knew that now wasn't the time and the Izzeterine had already proven that he is to pathetic to die by his spear. The man had bragged about his race twice already and it was getting ridiculous. Goliath turned to the pope. "Even if the girl is given this task. It still did not give you any right to set the play a blaze and put the lives of innocent people on the line. The fact that you keep ignoring and avoiding it just shows that you have no regard for the actions. What you did out there is punishable."