[b]Lilith, Fiona, Dantus (cameo)[/b] Thankfully, Lilith has survived worse, like she accidentally rammed into a rough concrete floor once, that was a long time ago when she was trying to retrieve a dropped paintbrush and she tried to dive down, swipe the paintbrush and go back to the treehouse from where she came. I would put everything else that happened, but I think you could infer for yourself. Anyways, she drifted down from the banner, in a slight daze from the impact, and noticed a dryad standing near her asking her if Lilith hurt herself from the impact. "I think I'm fine, let's see, no broken bones, no scratches, my frontside kind of hurts, but that's nothing time couldn't fix, yeah, I think I'm fine." The dryad introduced herself as Fiona, a member of the Gardening Club. Now ignoring the other choice opportunity of joining the Art Club, Lilith exclaimed "Gardening Club?! Where do I sign up! I want to sign up!" "Erm...you could...s-s-sign up h-h-here! I guess...umm...are you s-s-sure you want to sign up for this club...maybe you want to, you know...check out some...other clubs before you j-j-join this one, maybe there's...some other club you might want to join more than this one...I mean...you c-c-could c-c-change your opinion n-n-now..." Fiona stammered. But Lilith isn't having any of that, "Well, there was the Art Club, but screw it! I'm perfect! I mean, I feel perfect when I join the Gardening Club, especially if I can encounter pretty flowers like that one!" 'That one' referring to the red flower that is on Fiona's head. "Alright...if you say so...I-I just need your name and-" [b][i]"MISS SOZE. WOULD YOU KINDLY UNLATCH YOUR FACE FROM THAT YOUNG MAN."[/i][/b] "What in the name of the moon was that?!" Lilith exclaimed, "...that was...Dantus, the...A-Arcane...D-D-Department...Head..." Said Fiona with a worried voice, not just the stammer she did beforehand, but a voice with actual fear in it, like she was about to be lynched or something. "You should maintain a...umm...6 feet space a-away from this guy, he...umm..." "What? He smells?" Lilith said sarcastically with a little smile. Fiona immediately stuck her hand on Lilith's mouth, not taking account of their size difference and ended up accidentally slapping her backwards, but Lilith fully recovered from that incident with the banner and the slap didn't do much to her. "Oh my! Did I hurt you?! I'm so sorry!" Fiona asked. "No, I'm fine." Lilith replied "A-Anyways, Dantus, you DO NOT want to anger that man, EVER, l-like, you don't want to mess with this man, he just...no, just, don't anger him...just...d-don't...I swear, when you finished that little s-sentence, I-I swear. I saw him stare at you, AT YOUR SOUL EVEN! Just, please, do me a favour, don't mess with Dantus, please!" Fiona said, talking rapidly. "Guy that is easy to send to a fiery rage? So easy to mess around with! This is going to be fun!" "DID YOU NOT HEAR WHAT I JUST SAID?!" Fiona at this point was panicking, maybe overreacting to someone who didn't hear the context, "You don't know what you're going to get into if you attempt that, just don't do it, any plans to goof around with him, keep it in your head!" Lilith produced her timetable and briefly scanned it"Well it looks like that I'm not dealing with that guy! Thank the skies! But I won't piss him off, don't worry, I only mess around with people who can actually, you know, take being messed around with." Lilith replied. "Ah, thank you, just, thank you...Now then, where were we..." "I was going to register for the Gardening Club, so fun!" "A-Alright...last chance to change your mind..." "I told you! I'm staying!" "A-Alright...name?" "Lilith Ellylon." Fiona wrote down the name on her clipboard. "Umm, just sign the rest of this form...give it back to me...w-when you're done." And Lilith did so. "There, that wasn't so hard!" "I guess...c-congratulations...Lilith, you are now...officially...in the G-G-Gardening Club. I hope you...enjoy your stay..."