[b]Melody[/b] She cried cursing a man by her words she turned as quickly swam off into the sea. She dived underwater as she reached the ground into the oceans surface. She only sat down on the rough ground her blue eyes were able to see in the dark depths of this water land. She looked up as a faint light floated around, " Mamma... " She said faintly a ghostly essence floated around, " My little..baby...your tail like fire your hair like light...shine my baby...go to sleep. " The song stopped as it seemed to calm her down the light faded away as her eyes opened once more as she felt waves go through her. She felt nature scream a feeling went through her skin but she couldn't see what was going on as it was probably the villagers exploding items from the surface. She stayed underwater to have some peace. (( I guess not XD ))