[center][img]http://i144.photobucket.com/albums/r181/lydyn1/NoraRayneCiv_zpsd6e17e40.png[/img][/center] [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Sexuality:[/b] Homosexual [b]Build:[/b] Average, Healthy weight [b]Occupation:[/b] Security Specialist [b]Standing:[/b] Head of Department [b]Organization:[/b] Zenware [b]Personality:[/b] Nora is seen as a driven, passionate introvert that often works just as well alone as she can with others in her job. Despite her ability to socialize in a healthy manner, she often feels the need to spend 'alone' time and holes up in her apartment behind a computer screen. One of the "legendary" gamer girls, she spends her free time with more peaceful tactical games and has a knack for bringing up the subject when at work. She is friendly and compassion and sets high standards for herself - and others. [b]Biography:[/b] As an introvert, she keeps most of her past to herself, only letting those close to her in. However most people know she is a small town girl that grew up with computers and games, moving up from a secretary to more IT positions as she proved herself - without a college degree. Despite this apparent disadvantage, she shines among her peers and most of them often forget that she never attended higher education herself. She was an only child growing up with less than loving parents and has expressed that being homosexual has put strain on her life, but is still very confident in herself. Rumors have also spread around that she once underwent a medical procedure with a former lover and lost her partner during the process, but she hardly talks about it, if it's even true.