[B]Rowan Zephyr [/b] Rowan sighed. He wanted to go alone, or with one person, but it seems like the entire team decided to see the ship as well. It was understandable, but this place is unknown territory. Going all at once may have well been an invitation for annihilation. But on the other hand, they had an inhabitant of this planet with them. With any luck, she would be able to warn them of dangers. One like this Hydra.... "Wait...Hydra? What do you mean by that?" The only times Rowan had heard the word "Hydra" was usually when it's used to name ships or tanks or some sort of war technology. --- [B]Bryce Achar [/b] Bryce was about to make an attempt to go after her, but was immediately distracted when a large object passed overhead and crashed a good distance away. The ground shook enough for the unprepared Bryce Achar to kneel in order to regain balance. After the ground had calmed, he raised his head to see where the object had gone. Just what was the thing that shook the land so? Bryce looked to the sea to see if the mermaid was alright, but she had long since dove underwater. Returning his focus to the object, Bryce began his way over. It took but a few moments to reach the strange object, it was large and metallic, with one creature inside. This creature was equally strange in appearance, seeming like it was a person wearing an odd assortment of light and heavy armor. "gods above..." Bryce looked around at the area, charred black, with sharp, broken glass shards scattered about. This...thing was the cause of this, and the quake was simply a reaction. "You." Bryce said to the one inside. "What happened here?"