I'm bisexual, that's why I have a tendency to say Hun. Also this is Faust second time introducing the Equestrians, the nature of the multiverse caused parrel versions od the Equestrians to pop up everywhere. Faust also lost influence over the Equestrians for a while, naimly because she was fighting a god war with Insanity, the god of chaos. Something the Supremes would be able to feel. I will also continue with Faust protecting the Humans. The Equestrians would also be more willing to talk to the Supremes. The Equestrians of old didnt didnt trust the Supremes, and were a bit arrogant. However these arent issues now and this could be the Supremes chance to make sure they all dont die again. Faust wouldn't interevene as she see be interested in see ing what the supremes do,