Speaking of the magic, it is worth noting that the magic of the mages of a region is typically themed, not just a random assortment of magic. It has been established that Paterdomus specialises in fire and water magic, and Virens specialises in biomancy. From the Compendium you will find that Moltuspons contains, or at least once contained, powerful earth/stone mages. There hasn't been any such specification for Altearx (yet), although one could infer that there may be ice magic, considering that the enemies to the north of Paterdomus use ice magic which would imply that the northern tundra region s inhabited by peoples with affinity to ice magic. This might also give them a dislike of the Paterdomans, or it might not. Cyclone covered it very well (good job by the way). Really it rests on you, Trapezoid, to decide on specifics of the city.