[center][img=http://i96.photobucket.com/albums/l177/MeganPhantom/eaeff790-bc95-49e9-8c45-484e8afe95e8.jpg][/center] Age: 24 Gender: Female Sexuality: Homosexual Build: Petite, Healthy weight Occupation: IT Technical Support Officer Standing: Employed Organization: Zenware Personality: Charming, pretty, and smart, Felicia is generally pretty laid-back and casual, with something of a sarcastic wit. This can make her come across as a little bit of a slacker, but upon closer look her work ethic and proficiency would indicate otherwise. While she is friendly and relatively extroverted and sociable, Felicia is also rather private about some aspects of her life, and never stays out too late each night. When asked what's so important at home she always cracks a smile and a jokes about a second job that needs her attention. And people usually laugh along, her relaxed nature putting their mind off it. After all, at the end of the day, Felicia's just another young woman trying to make it in the city. Just another face in the crowd. Biography: Felicia doesn't talk much about her childhood, though its common knowledge among her friends and acquaintances that she's lived in Empire City her whole life and that she spent time in foster care before getting adopted as a teenager. As far as her birth parents are concerned all she ever says is that they died before changing the subject. Her experience in foster homes was not great and a lot of her time was spent sneaking or running away from them, experiencing life on the streets and picking up some less than legitimate skills and pals that she often couch crashed with. Needless to say she was a bit of a nightmare for her social worker. Eventually though she was able to find a steady home at sixteen with a computer programmer, Jason Jones, and spent the next couple of years working on getting her GED and taking college classes online. She began gravitating towards a career in computer sciences, seemingly due to Jones's influence, and after a few certifications and some smaller jobs she eventually managed to secure a nice, though rather mundane IT position in a larger company. But, hey, as long as it pays the bills.