Both Elizabeth and Caroline were too surprised to speak when they saw the queen walk in. Elizabeth recovered first. When the queen approached her, she said "Your majesty, when I heard that the palace was taken I assumed the worst. I thank the gods above that you are alive." she quickly regained her composure and wiped the wetness from her eyes, took Caroline's hand and led her to a place in the back of the hall near where the queen sat. As she passed, she spoke so that only the queen could hear her. "From now on I won't be sent away, no matter how many times you tell me to. Next time your life could really be in danger, and I refuse to attend your funeral. You are not only my queen, you are my friend." Then, as an afterthought, she added "But good work, changing places with a commoner was good thinking." Then she was gone, finding a place nearby where she could watch the entire room and stay close.