Aoba noticed something change in Kuro's eyes when he asked for the kit. He wasn't quite sure what it was, but he was sure he saw something. The angel watched Kuro stand and walk towards the door. His natural curiosity made him wonder, but his mind told him to stay silent. [I]'Why does he seem so upset. . . It's not like he's hurt or anything,  besides his injury. And I never said he had a debt to me.'[/i] Just as he was about to go, Kuro paused and stopped in front of him. Only a slight nod was given in response to his offer of help. [I]'I'm a medic. I know what I'm doing. . . '[/I] Had he ever doctored on himself before? Not on his arms, which would prove to be a difficult task. When Kuro walked out, Aoba sat on the floor rummaging through the kit. When at last he found a pair of tweezers, he began to try and pull out splinters. Because his sleeves were too big, Aoba had to constantly push them upward and out the way, making him unfocused for the task. He once again he pulled at the splinters, trying be rid of them. He got many of them out on his left arm, but his left hand was too unsteady for him to pull out the splinters. Instead, he decided to finish cleaning off his left arm. [I]'This would've been so much easier with my powers. Sure I know what to do without them, but. . .'[/I] He even tried to use his healing magic once or twice, but to no avail. It was obvious that he would get nowhere doing this alone so he sighed and looked towards the door. [I]'Maybe scars aren't so bad. . .[/I] Who was he kidding? Scars on his arms were the last thing he needed to keep him up and moving. It would probably hinder his recovery proces. So, trying to dispel the reluctance in his voice, he looked at the opened door. "Kuro? Do you mind. . .helping me?" His eyes traveled back to his arms, expecting Kuro to turn him down. [I]'He did look pretty upset for some reason. I guess I better try and do this myself.'[/I] Aoba continued to try and fix up his left arm. He got most of it cleaned off, but he missed a few and he wondered which to use for the situation: bandages, or simple bandaids. Well, it would be a waste of bandaids as Fenrir would say. The thought of the angels made him shut his eyes and quickly shake his head. There was no need to fall into a another depression. Aoba put on fake courage in order to stay strong for himself. He didn't go as far as smiling about it, but he tried sticking to a calm look. Once more, he glanced over at the door to see if Kuro would help him.