The sounds of horses galloping got closer, and that's when Natalie decided to panic. She didn't want to hang. She reckoned that she had about maybe nineteen years on this planet (its hard to keep track of the years for the seasons ran together so. You either died in the blistering heat or you died of the bitter cold on the streets.) She looked around and found a cart that was by itself, and sneaked through the crowds to hide in the cart slipping under the seats easily because she was so slight, curling into a ball as the horses halted. "I was certain I saw someone o' her stature comin' into this town." She heard a voice say as if put out. She froze even more hardly daring to breathe. [I]They won't expect me to be here. So I'm fine hiding here. They won't find me.[/I] She tried to convince herself but knew from her thuddering heart beat it wasn't working. She bit her lip as the sound of horse hooves went around the town asking if they saw her. Most had thought she was a boy and was counting on that fact. She almost squealed when the cart jostled as if someone was getting on it, biting her sleeve tight to prevent that from happening shutting her eyes tight. "We're lookin' for an armed and dangerous girl." She heard some laugh at that. Most still had the backward thinking that a girl could hardly be dangerous. But most of the others gathered around listening to the strangers knew better. "She has black hair and blue eyes." She could hear the murmurs of the people outside. Blue eyes were extremely rare in this harsh climate. The most common eye hue was brown or black. Some said that those with blue eyes came from somewhere with tons of water. Some said they were magic folk. She used both rumors to her advantage on the streets at least a handful of times. [I]Good news? The people would be searching for me and I'm here. So maybe they'll leave sooner. Bad news? Some had seen a person with blue eyes. Now I have to lay low and that sucks. Good thing I am comfertable.[/I]