[hider=intro]Intro Jedi Rogal Dorn, Grand Master of the Jedi Order, boarded a Coruscant taxi outside of the ziggurat-like Jedi Temple. Behind him was the Echani Jedi, Magnus B. Galath and a Jedi Diplomat. The three were headed for the Chancellor's palace in the Senate district of Coruscant. "Master Dorn, I still don't know why I need to be here. I'm not a diplomat. I should be on Dylar IV or something to fight off the Sith," said Magnus in a half-respectful, half-defiant tone. "Magnus, you are here to learn how to be what the Jedi are meant to be, Keepers of the Peace. You can learn something from our talks with the politicians," answered Rogal Dorn in a stern, yet forgiving voice. After half an hour of weaving in and out of Coruscanti airspeeder traffic, the three Jedi finally arrived ath the Chancellery. After confirming that the Jedi had a meeting with the Chancellor, the Senate guard led the Jedi to the Chancellor's receiving hall. "Welcome, Grand Master Dorn. Please forgive my unpreparedness for your visit. Sit, sit." said Chancellor Sargeras, gesturing to a trio of large arm-chairs. "Now, I believe were going to speak about the Jedi involvement in the the Sith War." "That is correct, Chancellor," answered Dorn. "Well?" questioned the chancellor. The Jedi diplomat moved toward the edge of his seat. "Chancellor. First thing you must realize about the Jedi is that we are a order with an allegiance to democracy and liberty, such as that in the Republic. We are keepers of the peace, not soldiers." "Yes, yes. Well, Democracy is now in need of your services to keep the peace from eroding away," responded, the Chancellor. "The Senate is in need of our services, not the Republic, nor Democracy, nor Liberty," said the diplomat with a slight edge in his tone. "What are you saying?" asked the Chancellor slowly, narrowing his eyes. "The Republic is fighting an imperialistic war. The Sith did not start this war. The Senators did. The Senators started this war when they took a near-unanimous vote to invade those three Sith worlds," spoke the diplomat, tension growing in his voice. The Chancellor turned around in his swiveling chair and looked out the window. Then he casually said, "Those worlds were never owned by the Sith. No one had a claim on them. There's nothing wrong with that." "That may be true Chancellor, but nothing is ever as cut and dry as you imply it to be. You politicians, of all people, should know that. There are Sith relics and holy sites on the planets, and there has long been a Sith presence. That planet is basically theirs. Republic soldiers are fighting a terrifying war. They are suffering. They are losing their lives, and for what? For the jealousy and pride of a bunch of corpulent bureaucrats too removed from the conflict to actually comprehend its significance," reproached the diplomat, now beginning to yell. Upon hearing those words, the Senator turned around and got up abruptly from behind his desk. "This war is for the survival of the Republic; what is good for the war is good for the Republic. If you Jedi are so unwilling to put the Republic in your best interests, you best leave Coruscant before any of your infections, traitorous, thoughts pervades the city anymore," spoke the Chancellor, with much indignation in his voice. The diplomat was at a loss for words. At this point, Rogal Dorn got up. "Chancellor, perhaps my friend, here, as been a bit caustic in his words. But still, we urge you to seek peace with the Sith. The Sith may not be winning outright, but with the number of worlds joining the Sith, the stalemate is bound to change in favor of them. A peace is best." The Chancellor was not calmed at all by Dorn's words. "I am the Chancellor of the Republic, and I decide what is best for the Republic. I'm sorry, Grand Master Jedi, but my decision is final. You are either with us or against us." "I'm sorry then, Chancellor, but I have nothing to say," answered Dorn. Both he and the diplomat got up from their seats and started for the door. Magnus got up, too, but he did not start to leave. Instead, he tried to mend the situation. "Please, masters. The Sith are our age-old enemies. They worship a perversion of the Force. Why not let us do battle against them?" The Chancellor added on, "Yes, Master Dorn. This Knight, here speaks reason. Why not follow his suggestion? Or perhaps the Knight has more wisdom than the Master." Dorn stopped. He did not say anything, nor did he turn around. After a brief moment, he began to walk out of the door again. Magnus and the diplomat followed. Outside of the Chancellery, Dorn spoke to the diplomat, "I know there are some Jedi in support of the war. Tell the council that we will let them fight. Perhaps there will be something beneficial to the Republic in this war." He then strode off towards a parked taxi. [/hider] ([b]Story P1[/b]) Location: Coruscant As he did so, in an apartment in another quadrant of Coruscant, was the mercenary, Neran. He was at a holo net terminal and was busy at work. As he worked, he kept watch of his bank records. Credits were flooding in by the hundreds of thousands. I love working for the Sith. They pay well and on time , thought Neron too himself. He pressed a final button and packed his equipment. As he left, a breaking news report interrupted every channel. A bomb exploded in Coruscant's market district, causing thousands of casualties. According to official statements, who the terrorist is still unknown. Upon hearing the news on his way out of the apartment complex, Neron just smiled and walked away. The Galactic City was in chaos. Republic troopers were everywhere. Police and Military ships and speeders were everywhere. The crowds were rushing to get away. Policemen and crowd control pushed them back. Reem stayed away from the large crowds. He hid in the apartment buildings. He was among the shadows from larger building blocks. His target was rounding the corner by his position. Reem: "Oya!" Reem called out through his helmet comlink on a completely secure link. Outside, no one could hear a word he was saying. It was silent. Reem's partner was close by. She was his backup. His gray armor was covered by a dark cloak, he timed his prey's movements perfectly. He leaped off the edge tackling his target before hitting the ground. His target took from the back and his helmeted head smacked the street. Reem carefully landed into a roll without injuring himself. His target was already back up on his feet, but Reem was too quick by advancing on his target. His opponent started to attack but Choruk met his every move with a counter-move. Reem was skilled in over a dozen martial arts. His attacker's moves were flawless and would have taken out a normal warrior, but Reem was no normal warrior. He was a Mandalorian. ...so was his opponent, but Reem had him outmatched. Reem grabbed the arms of his of his attacked and Keldabe kissed him. The head-butt knocked his attacker to the floor, but Reem was on the other mando, ex-mando. Reem kicked the helmet off his opponent, revealing a crazed, battle-hardened, scarred face not much younger than Choruk himself. Reem had him in a Juzzian armlock. Reem: "Gotcha! C'mon, Wyrry, we got him, son-of-a-di'kut. Bring the binders, will ya?" The wookiee growled a response. Neran did not look happy at all. He looked like an upset animal. Reem: "What do you mean, am I going to subdue him? I've got'm in a nervelock. He's as good as done, aren't you, Neran?" Neran spat. Reem: "On second thought, set your blaster on stun and put this Sith scum of a traitor out of his misery." The wookiee obliged by shooting Neran in the face with a non-lethal stun bolt. Reeem: "Goodnight, mir'osik. All right, enough playing around. Help me get this armor off him." Reem walked over and picked up Neran's helmet. He stared at it. Very interesting design....Reem had never seen anything like it before... Reem: "Make sure you grab his equipment pack too." He reminded her. Reem looked over at the swords and pair of rippers with the gear. Shame this di'kutla piece of osik had rebelled against his own people. He could have been a good man in a fight... maybe he was.... I don't know what happened to him or why.... Getting back to the situation. Reem: "Alright, I got sleepy here, grab the stuff. Let's get our reward and find ourselves another job, but first let's stop at the bank..." (later) After returning from the bank, Reem walked a little quicker to put some distance between them and anyone who could possibly have anything against him. He was happy, so was the wookiee. Reem: "Kandosii! Three million credits, from that chakaar, and we haven't even turned him in to the Republic! What a damn good day!" The two were walking back to the Ryyk. _____________________________________________________________ __ Later. Reem stood with his armored arms crossed over his chest. He was arguing with a CSF chief, a Republic Admiral, and a Jedi master. Reem: "Look we found your infiltrator! You owe us, we took on this job snuffing out spies for you. Without us, you don't even have a name.... Look we did our job better than you're cops, armies, and wizards could do in three months... our price is five million. We want our reward now. We even threw in our recon on the Sith for free. Plus you now know who was behind the bombing... We did our part, (pointing his gloved finger at them) you do yours!" The Jedi Master stepped forward before the others could speak in protest. Jedi Master: "All right, Mandalorian, you will get what you so desire. Now go in peace, but make sure you don't violate the law or it is you who will owe us." He signaled for some droids to bring the reward, five million credits. Reem: "Pleasure doing business with you, now if you'll excuse me. I will be off to find another job. You know how to contact me. Remember that my price is expensive, but my work is unbeatable. I get the job done. Haat, Ijaa, Haa'it." Reem walked out with the droids as Wyrry handed Neran, in common fatigues, over to the Republic soldiers. Wyrry walked back with Reem. After Reem finished loading everything aboard, he practiced with his new Sith and Krath war swords. After he was satisfied with his new prizes he glanced over at the strange armor... He couldn't figure it out. Where had it come from? Reem shrugged. He went back to the cockpit where Wyrry was setting coordinates. Reem removed his helmet and smiled. Reem: "Eight million creds in one day, we are making a name for ourselves... Did you set the coordinates?" Wyrry gruffed an acknowledgment. Reem: "Okay, make the jump to lightspeed." Stars became streaks as they were in hyperspace. Reem watched the holonet news as the Republic announced that CSF had found the terrorist, an rouge, psychotic Mandalorian; and the Republic Intelligence reported that it was a plot by the Sith. The Jedi were making announcements of their involvement in the war. More war news and Sith advancements on Republic fronts came... Great, the Republic didn't even care to give credit to a couple of Mandalorian mercenaries...aw, who cares. We got our creds that's all that matters. Reem switched it off. He wanted to make a call to his wife. He hadn't talked with her in three days.... (later [Neran’s perspective]) It hadn't taken much to ditch the soldier squad the republic sent after Neran. You weakling you couldn't tackle them?! Nerans other personality was talking to him. A twisted high pitched voice,one that rarely spoke unless it wanted to be in command. SILENCE! Never... You should go after them. If you won't I will. The voice faded always reminding Neran of how he had failed himself and his tribe. Hence his exile. He decided to contact an ally of sorts. Neran opened the helmets built in map system to locate his ship a stolen prototype assault shuttle. 20 minutes later Neran approached the comm station and sent a message to his sith contact since he'd left Mandalore. Cassus. I have run into some old enemies I wondered if you would like to go hunting with me? I placed a tracker on one of their equipment pouches.I'm sending you its frequency code. Hope to see you there. -Sincerely,Neran Without waiting for a reply Neran put the shuttle into flight and lifted off. Run Mando's run. You have only delayed the inevitable. I will find you and make you bleed. (later [choruk’s perspective]) Location: Hyperspace, the Ryyk "Choruk!" Keena screamed in agony. She was being taken. Blood ran from a wound on her head it mixed with the streaming tears on her cheek. A holocaust of flames surrounded her. Two armored figures were among her in the flames... both wearing the strange armor. One was human the other was an unfamiliar tall, four-armed alien... Then a wizard appeared and fought off the two others. Light glowed around him; he had brown hair and brown eyes... Reem immediately woke up and rushed to the cockpit. He saw Wyrry and she noticed the desperation and shock in his eyes. Reem: "Bring us out of hyperspace! *pause* It's important we need to go back to Coruscant. (Wyrry looked at him in question) Trust me, I need to find someone. (He glanced at the strange helmet) I have a bad feeling about this..." Wyrry had the ship out of hyperspace and she quickly set new coordinates. Reem messaged his wife via his HUD link. He gave her some instructions she agreed. He asked if she was alright. She was fine. He explained that he was delayed in his return because he was traveling to Coruscant. He told her that he loved her and he would contact her soon. He made her promise to keep him updated. She did. They exchanged "goodbyes." He ended the message link. They were already traveling in hyperspace again... Reem was deep in thought and concern. He could feel something strange... Jedi (later) Location: Coruscant The Ryyk flew in orbit around the Jedi Temple. A dozen Republic fighters served as escort, more like security. A couple jedi starships flew around. The Republic wouldn't let a freighter just land in the Jedi Temple. Reem was arguing with the traffic controller. Temple Traffic Controller: "We don't allow visitors to the Temple. There is a war going on." Reem: "I'm no visitor; I need to contact a Jedi Master! Its highly important. I thought you, jedi were the keepers of peace." TTC: "The Temple is closed during wartime." Reem: "I've served the Republic and you, jedi. All I need to to look through your list of masters. I need to find someone, or someone who can help me. I wouldn't care if a Jawa came up to me and offered me some assistance. You know, I've seen Hutt Lords with better assistance..." TTC: "Msters list? We don't have one." Reem: "You must have some profiling in your Jedi Archives." TTC: "I'm afraid we can't help you." Reem: "Listen to me, I've been having some weird dreams... and I know that you wizards are known for your 'visions of future' and prophecy whatever... Look I may be a Mandalorian, but my clan has had a history of good relations with you Jedi... okay, some of us aren't perfect. We had our differences, but we've helped each other out. I just need to see someone, any Jedi master at this point." *silence* TTC: "All right bounty hunter, you've got permission to land. We have someone waiting for you in the hangar." *over comm* Reem: "Thank you." *end comm* Reem: "All right Wyrry, take her down." He saw jedi and temple custodians attending their tasks and jobs. Reem turned to Wyrry. Reem: "Stay here." He ordered his partner. She let out an understanding howl. Reem headed for the boarding ramp to talk with his 'jedi master'..... Finally, its about bloody time... (later [vanna’s perspective]) Vanna's head went crashing into the glass window of her ship as turbolasers fired all around her. She slid down the wall, and felt the taste of blood in her mouth. "Dammit" she muttered, spitting out blood. The assassin looked at her situation. Hyperdrive was blown, boarding craft closing in fast. She really needed to get better at covering her tracks. If she lived through this, that is. She realized that if they wanted to board then they'd want to take her captive, otherwise they just would have vaporized her ship. She then came to the conclusion that surrendering was her best bet at the moment, so she slowed the ship to a halt and waited. Eventually, after a few minutes of waiting, a dull thud shook the ship, and she held her hands up. Not exactly cowardice, she reasoned, if it would help her get away from this mess and escape. A squad of Republic troops broke through the door and stormed into the control room. Despite her peaceful surrender gesture, the butt of a blaster rifle connected with her jaw, and everything went black. (later choruk’s perspective) Location: The Ryyk, Jedi Temple Hangar, Coruscant Walking back to Wyrry, Reem was angry. Wyrry somehow knew it wasn't going to go well. Reem wanted to grab something and throw it at the nearest Jedi he saw.... Reem: "Copaani mirshmure'cye, Jetiise?" He said rhetorically. Wyrry growled a question. Reem: "No, they took it as evidence. We can't even sell that anymore. They kriffing sent me a shabla padawan! I asked for a Master!!!!" He yelled. Reem: "They wouldn't even let me in to see their library... I know they have a list... I just want to find him." Wyrry looked at Reem. Reem: "Yes, the one from my dream. It was a Jedi Master. I hate these jedi. They won't even help a guy out when he needs them." Wyrry gruffed a suggestion. Reem: "Haha! Yeah we could sneak in the Temple.... just take a look to find our Jedi... or I could ask one of my contacts in the Order... Check out the updates for new jobs or bounties will ya? I need to make that call..." Wyrry looked up newly posted wanted fugitives, as Reem was talking to his contact from Ithor. She was an Ithorian Jedi Master, a long time friend of Clan Reem. Wyrry saw a new reward for a Mandalorian assassin....Vanna Ordo, 1 million credits... posted by Republic Authorities... She had to tell Reem, and she would wait. She waited. Wyrry looked to see Reem look very satisfied after he finished his conversation with his Ithorian friend. Ree: "I've found him, Jedi Master Valyn Arterius. He is out leading Republic forces... we can find him. I have coordinates. What?" Wyrry told Reem about Vanna Ordo. Reem: "What has she gotten herself into now?" Wyrry growled at the holonews report. Apparently Vanna Ordo had been detained by Republic troops and rotting in a prison on Kiffex in the Azurbani system. Reem: "Damn, well I guess we need to make a side-trip to the Azurbani system. Take us to Kiffex, we will find Arterius later... I'm going to call Keena. Wyrry started up the engine systems as Reem called his wife... _____________________________________________________________ _ Later Location: Republic Prison, Kiffex, Azurbani system Reem stowed away on a Prison transport returning with supplies. He and Wyrry hid with some nerfs. They waited before sneaking out unnoticed by anyone. It was simple for mandalorian mercenaries like Choruk and Wyrry to get past Republic Prison security. Wyrry took aim with her bowcaster and covered Reem's back as he sliced through terminals. He planted a recorder-interference device. He entered a hallway guarded by four Republic soldiers. A flash-bang and four non-traceable sedative darts made quick work of them. Reem found the cell he was looking for. Wyrry continued to cover Reem. He hot-wired the panel and opened the door. Vanna was lying unconscious on an uncomfortable prison bed. Reem: "Give her a sedative so she doesn't give us away as we escape." Wyrry stuck her with a sedative then picked her up. Reem: "All right now to re-wire the panel and 'clean up.' Hey, I saw a patrol cruiser we could 'borrow.'" Reem smiled behind his helmet as he could hear Wyrry laugh through their helmet links. Choruk finished planting some 'evidence' and cleaning up the hallway. He wiped the computers and removed the interference device. Reem made sure to pick up Vanna's belongings. He knew the location from slicing the terminal. He grabbed her stuff, and the two and their "package" made their way toward the quite hangar. They hid behind crates in the corner. The prison transport was still their. They could see droids moving boxes and nerf cages. Reem pointed at the patrol cruiser. He turned to watch the droids; they went inside the prison transport to unload more cargo. Reem: "Now is our chance!" The two silently darted for the patrol cruiser. Reem sliced the lock and they went inside. Wyrry placed Vanna's body safely in a seat and strapped her in. She was out still but she was making some noises, sings that she was regaining consciousness. Reem: "Let's get out of here!" The duo started activating systems and checking fuel level in the cockpit. The patrol ship lifted up and moved out the hangar as shouting Republic troops rushed into the hangar looking for them. They were too late. *Over the comm* Republic Officer: Attention, unidentified fugitives in stolen Republic patrol cruiser, Starwatch. Stand down, or we will..." Wryyr ended the comm transmission by slamming her fist into the unit leaving a large crater. Reem: "We've got fighters on our tail! Vanna! Wake up, ori'vod!" Vanna was still passed out in her seat. Reem: "Hang on then vod'ika! Wyrry take the laser cannons." The fighters started firing on them. The ship rocked with each blast. Reem: "Take us to lightspeed! I don't care just punch it!" Another hit lurched the ship as Wyrry roared. Reem: "Alright, do it." She punched it, and stars became streaks again. Reem: "Haha, just like our escape from Onderon!" Wyrry cried a response. Reem: "What do you mean it was 'your flying?' It was my shooting." Reem laughed as Wyrry noted something and pointed back. Reem: "Hey, nuhoyir, how are you?" Reem turned to look at Vanna who was staring at him... (later [vanna’s perspective]) Vanna stared at them, her eyes half open. The images of the two danced in front of her. At first she felt dull panic, but then realized who they were. Mandalorians. Super. She yawned and sat up in her chair. The assassin was slowly waking up, and began to acknowledge that these two, had, in fact, rescued her from prison. "Thanks," she started, "You saved me the trouble of breaking out myself." Reem grinned and turned to his controls. "We grabbed your stuff on our way out." He said, nudging his head to a pile of armor, guns, and a pack. "Appreciated, Reem" She replied, stretching her arms. She then added, "Don't worry, I'm sure I'll get more talkative once I get some food." "Storage is down the hall on the left." "Thanks, and fill me in on where we're headed once I get back." She started down the hall and took a left, and came into the storage room. She found a refrigerator and got a basic meal: A sandwich with a bottle of water. Good enough. While eating, she pondered her situation. She needed to get back to the Sith to collect her pay, but she figured she could help Reem out with his current issue, whatever that was. And hopefully in the end he could give her a ride to the Sith Republic. Better than spending a few months in prison trying to escape. She finished her meal and returned to the cockpit, where Reem and the wookie were sitting, space flying by in the windows. "So," she said, "Where are you guys headed?" (later choruk’s persp.) Location: The Starwatch, Polith system Ordo: "So, where are you guys headed?" Choruk looked at his guest, he held his helmet resting on his lap. Reem: "Well our ship is waiting in docking bay 72 in Zalxuc City on Thyferra. Wyrry and I are going to sell this piece of osik. Right now, I'm looking for a Jedi Master named Valyn Arterius. After I find him, we are headed for Manda'yaim, to return to my wife to look for work." Wyrry told Reem that they were here, so he looked out the veiwport to see them in orbit around a green mass. Reem: "Well here we are, Thyferra. First stop, the cantina, drinks on me!" Reem laughed as Wryyr let out a roar. _____________________________________________________________ __ Later Location: small cantina, Zalxuc City, Thyferra Reem took a long swig of Corellian spiced ale. Not as good as tihaar, Reem thought. Wyrry had her drinks and was out selling the Starwatch. Vanna had her drink that she ordered and was talking about her latest jobs with the Sith. Reem: "A Republic Admiral.... Hell, I almost killed one myself after I turned in Neran. He had his shebs covered by a jedi. Eventually, he agreed to pay us. But, I mean look at the mess it caused you. You're lucky Wyrry and I showed up. Haha, but we'd do anything for a vod in need." Reem ordered another drink as he looked at Vanna. Reem: "So what are your plans? You could stick with us, or we could drop you off somewhere? Wryyr and I seem to always find ourselves in hot spots, but what is that to a mando'ad?" (later [Mortarious’s perspective]) Mortarious received word from his field spies that Balthnazaar had reached Khyrador, and that Angron did not plan to move the relics, at least until the last moment. Mortarious was frustrated. Angron, though aggressive and powerful, was too brash and hard-headed to be an effective leader. As a result, Balthnazaar and himself always had to provide for backup plans should Angron's nature cause unforeseen circumstances. Mortarious reached for his holo-net communicator. He typed in a number, and an image of a female bounty hunter appeared. From what he could tell, the bounty hunter, Vanna, was in a bar, talking to another bounty hunter. "Excuse me, Vanna, am I interrupting something intimate?" he asked, hoping to embarrass the other bounty hunter. "I have something for you." Vanna spoke to Mortarious's image, "No, not really. Hold on." She turned to Reem and said, "Excuse me, I got to take this. I'll be right back." Heading to a back alley, Vanna resumed chat with Mortarious. "What is it, Dark Lord?" "I have a bounty for you. Are you interested?" said the Sith. "Possibly, explain more," answered Vanna. "I need a crystal, a Jedi crystal, in particular. One that can only be found in the Jedi sanctuary on Illum. If you are interested, I can pay you twice the usual rate, as I understand the difficulty of this task. If you accept, I will provide you with information where to drop off the crystal." Mortarious waited for his words to sink in, as he could tell Vanna was pondering the situation. Then, he added, leading with his voice, "You know it will be worth your while. The rewards will be great. Price is not an issue." Mortarious waited a little more. "What do you say?" (later [vanna’s perspective]) Vanna pondered for a short moment, but then replied, "Deal, but first I want my pay for the last job." "2,500,000 million credits have already been transferred to your account." He replied coolly. "Alright then, I'll get straight to it. But first I need to get myself a new ship, after that I'll head out." "Good. Once you collect the crystal, drop them off at the Sith Temple on Korriban. Once you do that the fee-5 million credits-will be transferred to your account." "Understood. I'll have that crystal in 24 hours, Dark Lord," She replied and made a slight bow, but then added, "And 'am I interrupting something intimate?' Seriously? He's married, you know, I really doubt you'll embarrass him too much." "Oh really?" The Dark Lord said with a chuckle, "What's her name?" "Kihnaast Fett" she said, shifting uncomfortably, "what's it to you?" "Just curious" he said with a grin, and she cut the com. If there was anyone in the galaxy who could give her the creeps.... She headed back into the bar where Reem was waiting. "Looks like I have a new job," she said, sitting down next to him, "I have to infiltrate a Jedi Sanctuary on Illum and retrieve an important crystal." "Think you could use any help?" Reem asked She chuckled slightly, "No thanks, it's any infiltration mission, if I brought you guys along, you'd give me away. No offense" She added quickly. "Fair enough. But if I have to bust you out of another Republic prison...." "I'll be fine," She said, "Although a ride back to Telos so I can buy a new ship would be nice." "No problem." Reem said. (later choruk’s persp.) Location: Citadel Station, Telos IV Reem stood outside the Ryyk in the orbital station's hangar. Reem handed Vanna her pack. Reem: "Take care, vod'ika, and good luck. You know how to contact me if your shebs needs to be saved again. Tion'ad hukaat'kama? K'oyacyi!" Vanna: "Re'turcye mhi, Reem." She turned and walked away. Reem walked back into the Ryyk. Wyrry looked at him. Reem was furious. Wyrry was alert to hold Reem back if she needed to... Wyrry had been the best tracker in the galaxy. She was an incredible agent and spy. She informed Reem of the Sith... Reem: "That di'kut! I wanted to beat the osik out of her!!! I can't believe she gave out my personal information to that kriffing Siit!!!!!!!" Reem's hands were clenched iron fists. Wyrry expected Reem to gut Vanna with his blade, but he kept himself reserved to respect a mando'ad female. That's what Wyrry admired most about Choruk. He knew how to control himself. Reem: "'If I brought you guys along, you'd give me away..' She knows nothing about dha'werd! You're a two and a half meter tall wookiee and you're one of the best at espionage and infiltration tactics. No Republic or Sith spy could beat your fathers reputation, and he taught you everything he knew. We've both done numerous infiltrations that Vanna hasn't the skill to have done. If anything, she would be holding us back. She couldn't even kill a Republic Admiral without making a scene. We busted our shebs to get her out of a Republic prison to set her free, we left without even giving ourselves away. No, she said that to piss us off, to brag about her new job. She is free now and she gives me nothing but a slap in the face!" Wyrry knew she could do nothing to stop Reem's ranting. She understood. She was upset herself, but she had an idea... Reem: "If she was male, I would have beaten the osik out of her!" Wyrry growled. Reem: "I know, she's young and stupid, but she isn't that much younger than Keena, and she wouldn't have done something as 'bright' as that..." Wyrry growled another response. Reem: "Mandalorians, Love 'em, hate 'em! Sometimes both!" Still staring at Reem, Wyrry gave him a nod towards the navicomputer and roared a statement. Reem: "Sure, let's go home." Then a message coming from somewhere in the Sith Empire came.... It read in Mando'a: Gar kar'taylir darasuum morut'yc, Haat, Ijaa, Haa'it Reem has contacts and Mandalorian friends everywhere... Republic, Sith, criminal, Jedi, it didn't matter... Reem had made a life doing work as mercenary, but he had morals. Morals even the Jedi don't have.... Reem smiled. N'jurkad, Siit Reem: "Take us to The Cerar." Wyrry let out an acknowledgement. Reem smiled as he made a call to his wife... No one can mess with my cyar'ika... Wyrry had the Ryyk out of Citadel Station and in hyperspace in moments. (later vanna’s persp.) Vanna, the well-organized person she was, was busy managing her new 2.5 million credits. She sent 1 million to Reem's account, in a sort of thanks for saving her. She felt she hadn't shown her gratitude, and plus she thought he was notably disappointed that she had not chosen him to tag along. She sent another million to her mother, who would use it to finance the clan. She kept the remaining 500,000 for herself. She'd already used her other money to buy a new ship. It was fairly small, but had a good FTL drive and even had stealth systems. Priced at around 1.4. She assembled her supplies and boarded her new ship. All she had was her armor, her weapons, and a few Slayer albums. She piloted the ship out of Telos, and set a course. __________________ The ship dropped out of lightspeed above Illum, the world glowing white. She decided to try out the stealth systems, flicking a few switches. It allowed her to land just a mile away from the Sanctuary, with the frigates in orbit not noticing her. The assassin exited the ship, the extreme temperature subdued by her armor. She trekked through the snow, until she could see the Sanctuary nice and clear. Zooming in, she spotted a soldier in winter clothing at a small entrance. Enabling silencer mode, she took aim, grinned underneath her visor, and fired. Blood splattered against the wall behind the guard and he quickly fell over. She then slung her rifle over her shoulder and sprinted for the door. She arrived, took a second to catch her breath, and entered the Sanctuary. She heard footsteps off in the distance, fading away, and she quickly grabbed her pistol. She crept onward, until she heard footsteps coming straight for her. Looking around quickly, she jumped in the air and grabbed a pipe on the ceiling, and hoisted herself up. The guard walked right under her and away, and she lowered her body so she could aim her pistol at him, her legs wrapped around the pipe. "Don't move." She ordered. The soldier jumped in surprise and whipped around to face the barrel of her pistol. "Where do they keep any important crystals they mine here?" She interrogated, keeping the barrel steady. "T-they k-k-keep the-m in a room c-called Studies I t-think." He stuttered, shaking like mad. "Alright, thanks. Run along now." She sprinted off, and she jumped off the pipe, heading towards her target. (later choruk’s persp.) Location: The Ryyk, Hyperspace The two mandalorian mercenaries had just returned from the Cerar. It was an old location few knew about. Reem needed to pick up some special "cargo." Reem had plotted a course for the two's next destination. Reem was talking to his wife, Keena, through the holoprojector device on his gauntlet. Keena: "Don't worry baby, I've done everything to keep us safe. I've replaced the sensors with better technology, your buir, helped me set the yustarud. Shewy won't leave my side. I have three Bes'uliik guarding our place. Ever since you told your strill to protect me when you left, the thing won't leave me alone. The Defense keeps checking in with me. I've done everything that you've asked and everyone is protecting me. Your ad'ika is sleeping with Shewy protecting him. I misses you, baby. He calls your name when he sees holograms of you. I miss you baby. Come home please, I love you." She started to cry...so did Reem. Reem: "I love you too baby. I'm coming yaim." Keena: "Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum." Reem: "Ni kar'tayl gar darasuum. I will be home. I will be back. Re'turcye mhi, cyar'ika." Keena: "Re'turcye mhi, kar'taylir darasuum." The transmission ended. Reem sang the "Gra'tua Cuun" as he walked back the cockpit. Wyrry looked at him as he took a seat. Reem sat with his boots resting on the control. Wyrry was cleaning her bowcaster. Reem stared out the viewport as he thought about finally returning home again. He smiled.