Antak stood in his room on the ship staring out a window on the side. His eyes scanning the exterior, the dark corners of space that flew by as the ship cruised through the void of space. This was pirate territory, dangerous space indeed. He wasn't afraid of what might lay among the stars in this sector, he was more anxious. Partly due to what battles would lay ahead, the other part was just that he didn't like working with other bounty hunters. If he learned anything from his years of bounty hunting, it's that they all put money ahead of everything else and wouldn't hesitant to put themselves ahead of another hunter He would work with the others, just he would pay attention to his own back. He closed his eyes as he heard the captain of the vessel speak on the intercom, trying to 'rally the troops' like the bounty hunters on this ship were an army. Antak himself didn't need to be rallied, he was fully prepared for whatever they would face. He turned away from the window as he opened his eyes, walking towards the door out of his room. Before he exited, he grabbed his weaponry, and slid it into the appropriate places on his armor. He opened the door and exited the room, heading towards the bridge of the Krayt Mother.