Kalok exited from the Heart and surveyed the tunnels as he strode through them, counting the numbers. The Orcs had indeed been brought up to an army, and there was now 30 of them. Hardly what you would call a massive army, but adequate for the purpose required. He ordered that they assemble outside, and like any loyal minions they did, clad in their ugly but effective battle armour and wielding weapons that the local villagers had learnt to fear. There was another village on this island, with a port which he could use to launch his conquest of the isles. Ships would be an important tool given his defensive boon of being on an island. Kalok yelled, drawing a sword of his own and holding it into the air "Follow me to glory!" He called to them, and lead a charge through the thick forest and undergrowth, batting anything in his path aside as the Orcs followed in his footsteps, keeping pace with him despite his unnatural speed. They were certainly quick, that was for sure. They came to the village at dawn, taking the plaza by storm. With swordsmen and bowmen and Kaloks magic, they smashed through the palisade walls. The village warriors were flying and dying and crying as the Orcs brutally murdered them in cold blood. The village leader, an old and veteran warrior, took up his blade once more and came to charge Kalok head on, raising it into the air and attempting to decapitate him... but as he did the blade flew from his hand, and then he lifted off the ground before smashing into it... again... and again... and again. Kalok finally raised his hand into the air and slammed him into the floor one final time, and the warrior exploded into blood and bones and guts. And with that display of Kaloks magical ability, the villagers routed. How could they fight against such power? They made for the docks in the hopes they could cast off in a boat, but when they arrived they found that the towns cowardly merchant had left them for dead, fleeing aboard his boat with his crew. But Kalok was not going to let his free boat escape his grasp, with a yell and a point of his sword, a group of Imps flew overhead towards the boat, and they landed upon it, engaging the pitiful crew and destroying them before turning the boat back towards the port. As they did, two of the Imps carried back the merchant, who yelled and screamed. Oh the curses he spat at them... They dropped him before Kalok, who approached him with his sword, placing it to his throat and turning his head towards the villagers, who were now trapped at the docks with the option of either launching into the waters and risking a watery grave, or surrendering and risking being sliced and diced. "This man would have left you all for dead! The coward!" He yelled, and then turned his head to the Orcs "He's a waste of resources, a waste of space" He turned his head back towards the crowd "You want to know what to do with him?" He tossed the man to the side, into the grasp of the Orcs "Have some meat." He spat, and the merchant looked around in fear as the Orcs set upon him, tearing his flesh from his body and laughing as they consumed him. Kalok approached the crowd "You will all serve me now, either as a servant... or as food for my marching armies!" [hider=Status] Infrastructure: A barracks, two rusty steel cages, the dungeon heart, Summoning Chamber, Forge, A port Minions: 22 Imps, 85 Humans, 26 Orcs Resources: Large quantities of Igneous and metamorphic rocks, some gems formed by the intense pressure and heat of the volcano, magma, construction tools, small amounts of metals extracted from the rich veins that run through the caverns, wood from the surrounding forests, food from the village [/hider]