Takahiro listened, intent on Galina's words, regarding the painting before them once more in light of her lilting words. In all honesty, he wasn't sure he saw the 'painting light' she spoke of, but that didn't change the fact it was a wonderful piece to look at. If the Claude Monet she spoke of painted works like this all the time, he had more than earned the right to say he created 'paintings of lights'. "No need forgive. Answer... very good." He smiled over at Galina beside him, hoping to coax her from the embarrassment that seemed to have gripped her once more. "Sank you, Missu Demidova." Takahiro examined the painting once more, Galina's comments fresh in his mind, the action allowing him to ponder his next move. She had admitted to liking artwork before -which had got them up the stairs in the first place- but that was different from watching and listening to her explain the work that was before them. She [i]appreciated[/i] art, more than simply liking it. And surrounded by a gallery of works she likely knew far better than him, that provided an opportunity. It meant taking advantage of the lady by his side a little bit longer. But if it was time they could both enjoy, then it was advantage well-taken. Casting his gaze about the gallery surrounding them, Takahiro noted the various styles and themes, all seeming so alien to his countries own. It seemed much of the western world might be on display here, and as he turned back to Galina at his side, that thought gave him an idea. "There is... very much here. All different from [i]Nipp-[/i]... Ah... Jap-a-nese." Inclining his head politely to Galina at his side, he gestured towards the rest of the gallery to help accentuate the following question. "I, not know ar- This art well. You have...ah... liking? Have... favorite? Here?" If artwork animated her so, he should try to encourage that. The more they walked and spoke, the easier it was for him to explore this floor. The paintings around them provided a brilliant excuse to look around, though Takahiro made sure his gaze always returned to the lady beside him. More than an excuse to wander about freely, she was the one who would likely remember him best after this gathering was over. He had to ensure her time spent with him was a pleasant one, that in her mind, he was nothing more than a fellow lover of art from a foreign country. While more difficult, he had to admit it was [i]far[/i] more enjoyable than the simple conversations and trading of pleasantries he had endured earlier.