Sayto continued to smile as the man leaped to avoid his bolt. His smile widened when Azurl began to hurtle towards him. "Some sort of magnetism magic? No then he wouldn't have been able to pull the sword from the ground" Sayto thought frustratedly as the man continued flying in his direction. He mentally snapped his fingers "Gravity magic." He thought as he gazed upwards in understanding. His eyes glinted at the younger wizards words. He quickly raised a hand, "I'd say its justified when dealing woth weaklings like you." he taunted again. He then shot another bolt of lightning at Azurl although this bolt seemed to be even more powerful than the last. Once the bolt left his hand, Sayto quickly covered his hands in the same crackling lightning, ready to counter should Azurl again be able to avoid his attack. (Sorry guys I don't mean to hog the RP)