[i]If you want over-the-top action with death defying stunts facing off against horrific monsters of such impossible proportion that in real life that would struggle to keep their own weight up, whilst dual wielding oversized weapons; then this is the game you’re looking for. Dungeon Crawl offers exactly that as well as everything on the title. It will pit your character against terrain extremely difficult to navigate, having to negotiate through traps that exist in different dimensions all at once. Still interested? Good.[/i] [b][u]The World:[/b][/u] Meet New Earth. It’s exactly like old Earth, but more MAGICAL. Also technology has been set back several hundred years maybe. Dilapidated ruins and structures lay across the landscape. Some have been retrofitted into cities and castles. Others have been taken over by nature, becoming homes to wild animals. [b][u]The Quest:[/b][/u] The king of Clarksland had declared a summons for worthy and competent adventurers. His daughter had been captured and taken away to the Eternal Desert, by a mysterious assailant known only as the King’s Slayer. Legend has it, he was once a fabled warrior for the kingdom, hence his name, but had become overzealous in his duties and was removed, It is rumored that he captured the princess to get revenge on the kingdom. [b][u]The Dungeon:[/b][/u] The City of Fallen Angels is the name given to a vast series of ruins within the Eternal Desert of Clarksland. The ruins are incredibly old, featuring large and rusted structures dating back before recorded history. Some parts of the old ruins are incredibly well preserved due to a lack of moisture in the desert. Old paintings and murals still stand in their places. The City of Fallen Angels features within it, a seemingly endless dungeon said to go down even further than the planet’s core. Though deep, it is said to be filled with treasure. Many adventurers enter, but rarely any survive, and none have ever gone into the heart of the dungeon. The dungeon is so large in fact, that it contains within it, several different ecosystems. Some adventurers who have entered, began creating a loose network of small towns within the dungeon selling tools to aspiring adventurers who also enter the dungeon. The King Slayer is said to live at the very bottom of the dungeon, and only he knows the dungeon’s true secrets. [b][u]The Adventurers:[/b][/u] That would be you. Adventurers come in all different shapes, sizes, colors, and volumes. You happen to be one of those adventurers. Perhaps you are an aspiring hero wanting to make a name for yourself, or a wizened veteran hoping to shake off the cobwebs. Whatever your purpose, you have decided to crawl down the fabled City of Fallen Angels. [indent]Name: The name your character will go by, be it official or a self proclaimed alias. Gender: Boy, girl, or whatever your race has Age: The age of your character in solar years Race: I will allow you to play any race, be it standard Tolkein or custom special snowflake. Character Concept: A small phrase used in place of a class. This will be the gist of what your character is and how he/she will be roleplayed. Physical Appearance: The standard physical appearance of your character. I’d prefer this be done using actual words, though I won’t mind a picture either if that’s exactly what you want to play. Equipment: A list of whatever possessions your character has, including weapons and packed food. Be sure to update this regularly to accommodate for any new items your character takes on during the quest. Personality: How your character generally thinks and acts. Goals: List three things your character wishes to accomplish Beliefs: List three things your character has strong opinions on. Background: The history of how your character came to be. Racial Traits: Anything special your race is capable of that seperates the race from others. Known Skills: Whatever your character is capable of and competent about. Known Spells/Powers: Whatever magic your character may possess that isn’t directly linked to their race.[/indent] [b][u]The Style:[/b][/u] Dungeon Crawl will be run episodically. Meaning that between adventures, there will be brief timeskips where not much happens. Episodes will usually be focued on one plot, theme, or character but all episodes will still be somewhat linked to one another, culminating towards a season finale where the big boss is taken out. [b][u]The Story So Far:[/b][/u] [b]Season 1[/b] Episode 1: The party enters the dungeon and meets a man by the name of Ron. He shows them the city of Vegas, which is later attacked by a group of raiders. The party (hopefully), helps the town out, and soon discovers they are growing an army to take over the town. Vegas is on its last legs and requires the party to help. The PCs end up not caring much about the town and instead trek further into the dungeon, where they are led into the raider camp. The raiders summon a demon which they later defeat but vows to return. The demon's head is kept by the reluctant adventurer, Billy Bane, as his personal stove. Episode 2:: The adventures continue through the dungeon but become lost. James finds himself missing Anya’s birthday, forgetting to bring her something. Unfortunately, he can’t on account of him being in a dungeon. Almost as if too conveniently, they stumble upon the lonely lab of a wizened artificer. The artificer offers James a robot dog, but in return the party must help the artificer with his latest invention, a magic teleportation crystal, which can send items between individuals at long distances. At the end of the episode, James uses the crystal to send his daughter a birthday present. [b][u]The Rules:[/b][/u] [list=1] [*]Don’t be a creep.[/*] [*]Don’t Godmod.[/*] [*]Don’t power play.[/*] [*]Be cordial to your fellow players.[/*] [*]Have fun.[/*][/list] [b]Cast of Characters:[/b] [list] [*]James Hawthorne, the dadknight. Loves his horse. Loves his daughter. Questing because he sympathizes for the king and doesn’t want people to miss their daughters.[/*] [*]Gabriel Knotts, the Laughing Scorpion. Son of a circus performer, Gabriel seeks to start his own world renowned circus as well as become a great hero. Skills pertain primarily to circus performing. Plays the flute. Also a halfling.[/*] [*]Rasa, mysterious robot. Created in the past for unknown reasons. Has the need to protect others. Has a desire for understanding, that is, learning where she came from. She also wants to learn about the world. Above all, she wants a purpose.[/*] [*]Billy Bane and the terrific talking sword. Farm kid who really just wants to stay home and harvest his crops; he’s dragged against his will by a magical sword named Elbereth that he finds by “destiny”.[/*] [*]Rue Noir, who is one of the sand people. Lived in the land for a long time and knows her way around the desert. Wishes to be a navigator in the dungeon, but is in way over her head. Has issues to not shame her family. [/*] [*]Lily Rhine, a water spirit. Part of a different adventuring party that also pursued the King's Slayer. She was holed in by a group of monsters unable to leave her body of water.[/*][/list]