[center][img]http://www.wallpaperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20121128/game%20of%20thrones%20a%20song%20of%20ice%20and%20fire%20tv%20series%20banner%20arms%20house%20lannister%20hear%20me%20roar%201680x10_www.wallpaperhi.com_91.jpg[/img][/center] [center][img]http://fontmeme.com/newcreate.php?text=The%20Lions%20of%20Wallstreet&name=MagicMedieval.ttf&size=60&style_color=FFFFFF[/img][/center] PROMPTED by a Tumblr post by [URL=http://whywelovethelannisters.tumblr.com/http://whywelovethelannisters.tumblr.com/]Little-Magnolie[/url] [i]Instead of ‘The Wolf of Wall Street’ they should have had made a movie called ‘The Lions of Wall Street’ a movie about the three Lannister Children. Tyrion would be spending all that money on hookers, Cersei would drink and Jaime would somehow try to keep it all together… that is if he’s not busy with Cersei (dining/surfing/on his table) or partying with Tyrion.[/i] There will, of course, be many other characters from GOT and lots of conflict, I'm sure. Probably less blood and guts, though. The ages of characters will significantly change from those in the novels or TV show; for example, I plan to play Cersei in her mid-20's, therefore if anyone intends on playing Joffrey, Myrcella or Tommen, they would perhaps need to be cousins of the Lannisters, or possibly siblings. OC's are acceptable, even encouraged, but it would be desirable for some canon characters to be taken up first. The RP will probably have mature content, to warn anyone who may be uncomfortabe with subjects such as sex, drugs or other such topics.