Name: James Hawthorne Gender: Male Age: 30 Race: Human Character Concept: Dadknight Physical Appearance: James is a little taller than average, with an average frame. His hair is an unkempt black mess, and his gray eyes are accompanied by heavy bags. His squared off chin has a layer of stubble. He generally wears a set of armor, and over that a crimson surcoat. Equipment: Steel longsword - Family heirloom, repaired after being broken by a demon Shield - Painted metal over wood, depicts a hound Warhammer Lance A long knife Armor - A mix of chainmail and plates, providing solid defense Dried food Waterskin Whetstone 60 feet of rope A small amount of money Two lanterns Calvin - His warhorse Saddlebags Feed Personality: James has a generally serious, moody demeanor. He possesses a short temper, and prefers to handle things quickly and directly. Perhaps the only thing he has a soft spot for is his daughter, however inept he may be at taking care of her. Goals: 1) Protect Anya 2) Live as peacefully as possible 3) Be a better parent Beliefs: 1) Family is important 2) Do your duty, no matter how hard 3) It was all your fault Background: James spent much of his youth in training. Though a noble, he was still of relatively low standing, and his family kept its name via martial prowess. After battling fiercely in several campaigns, he was able to make something of a name for himself, even upping his family's standing a bit. Upon reaching adulthood, he was able to marry his childhood friend, and they went on to have one child, a daughter. Two years ago, James' wife died under tragic circumstances. Since then, the man became notably more of a shut-in, devoting most of his time to trying, not always knowing how, to raise his daughter, Anya. He's decided to go on this quest not just because of duty, but because he sympathizes with the King's plight. Leaving his child in the care of a family friend, he's set off on his magical adventure to save the Princess. Racial Traits: Sheer grit and determination. Known Skills: James is a veteran knowledgeable and skilled in melee and mounted combat. Known Spells/Powers: None; he relies solely on mundane skills.