Name: Billy Bane and his Wondrous Talking Sword Gender: Boy Age: 14 Race: Human Character Concept: Peasant kid with a magical talking sword Physical Appearance: He’s a kid with short-cut dark brown hair, sort of short for his age; he dresses like an 18th century farmer: breeches, shirt, jacket, and cap with a scabbard at his hip or back depending on the situation, though his sword is usually kept in hand, much to Billy’s chagrin. Equipment: Magic talking sword, scabbard, burlap sack, some turnips, jerky, bread crusts, a bit of hard cheese, waterskin, coinpurse, whetstone, tinderbox, bandages, fireproof urn with Sunset's still-living head Personality: Billy doesn't want to go adventuring. Billy just wants to stay home and plant turnips and play hoop-and-stick and not go down into some horrible murder cave with a bunch of total strangers. Sadly for Billy, his sword has other ideas. Goals: 1.) Get this adventure over with 2.) Get home in one piece and make sure the turnip harvest is coming in alright 3.) Get rid of this sword (Not actually possible) +1.) Fulfill a nebulously-defined prophecy+ +2.) Have adventures+ +3.) Kill stuff+ Beliefs: 1.) Adventures are dumb 2.) Prophecies are dumb 3.) People die when they are killed +1.) Adventures are awesome+ +2.) Prophecies are important+ +3.) People die when they are killed+ Background: Billy was working in the fields one day when the plowshare turned up some sort of shiny bit of metal. After digging it out of the ground, Billy found it to be a beautifully-crafted longsword, bright and sharp as the day it was forged. As he looked closer, he found that there was some writing on the side. “Whosoever finds this sword-” it said “-is destined to slay the Twelve Great Demons” Now, granted, turning up weapons in the soil wasn't exactly an uncommon occurrence- his family’s farm, as well as the surrounding farms, had been built upon the spot where the King of Iron and the Hanged Man had fought their final battle- but what was unusual was that the sword started talking about going on magical adventures, which- while exciting at first- got a bit irritating after it was repeated a hundred or so times. He’s tried getting rid of it, but the sword just shows up again later; something about how they’re “bound by fate” or whatever; the sword hasn't been very clear on that part. Racial Traits: Nope, regular human Known Skills: Billy knows how to run a farm, he knows how to milk a goat, he’s borderline literate, and he plays a mean game of hoop-and-stick. The sword, for its part, grants Billy strength, speed, and swordplay far beyond that of a mortal man. Known Spells/Powers: No real powers, but Billy cannot be separated from his sword. It just sort of shows up again when no one is looking. According to the sword, it's because the two are "bound by fate", but Billy is somewhat skeptical. Note: +text+ is things pertaining to the sword