Wilhelm staggered back down the road to his store, dazed and sporting a bruised cheek. He touched it gingerly, flinching. Hah, he shouldn't have roughed around with Jaylin. That guy never understood jokes, and combined with his insane strength, it made for an unpleasant combination. Despite this, Wilhelm considered Jaylin one of his best friends, and went to visit him often. He barely noticed the two people in his shop as he lurched behind the desk, sagging into his stool. Peter looked up at him with wide and worried eyes. "U-Uncle Wilhelm? Wh-What happened?" he asked, shocked. Wilhelm gave a strained laugh. "I fooled around with that idiot carpenter and it backfired. Peter, could you go and buy some medicine from Dasia or Serhan? I really don't want this so swell up and eat my face." he asked him, handing him his wallet. Peter nodded, running out the door. --- Dashing down to the clinic, Peter knocked loudly on the door. "Hello? Serhan? Mr. Serhan? Are you awake?" he called, but there was no reply. So he went to the window, standing on a crate and getting on his tippy toes to look inside. He tapped on the window and called again. "Mr. Serhan? Wilhelm needs medicine again! Mr. Serhan!"