Marcus glanced around when an odd man cautiously approached him. The man wore a suit if medivial armor and carried equally medivial like weaponry. Marcus remembered briefly that long before space travel earth had been in a similar state. Though from his vague knowlege from the past, he only remembered that they had suffered greatly from ignorance and magical thinking. "You." the man said, interuppting Marcus's thoughts. "What happened here?" Marcus stood silently for a moment, thinking about how to answer the question. "Would the culture shock be to great? Wait.... how would humans be here in the first place? They must know of space travel..... maybe its one those "tech free" backwards planets.... shit... I hope I didn't land on an Amish planet...." Marcus thought to himself. After a long pause he finally answered. "Well.... its a.... really long story, but to put it simply: Ehm. I am a survivor a starship that had been destroyed in this system, my pod got caught in this planet's influence and fell towards the surface, I did my best to pilot the pod and now as you can see, my "controlled decent" quickly turned into "I'm one lucky son of a bitch for not getting destroyed by the impact." Sorry about the beach by the way, but like I said, didn't have much control over where I could land. Yeah,,,,," he said, scratching the back of his head out of impulse. "So uhh.... what planet did I land on? Where exactly am I?" he asked.