[CENTER][img]http://www.gamemaster.com.mx/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/46152-fantasy-earth-zero.jpg[/img] [B]Name:[/B] “My name is Atalee Vayshalum.” [B]Age:[/B] “I am twenty-two years old.” [B]Appearance:[/B] [url=http://i187.photobucket.com/albums/x180/ZomgK3tchup/Atalee.png]Click here![/url] “I am of average height and weight, have brown hair with brown eyes, and have a fair complexion. My bangs extend down my face, while the rest of my hair is braided into a twist that runs all the way down my back. Typically, I wear a layer of mail beneath a much heavier layer of plate armor, including a chestpiece, shoulder guards, elbow guards, gauntlets, knee guards, shin guards, and boots. I keep a sheath at belt, along with leather cases for a couple of daggers. In addition, I carry a medium-sized brown sack on my back which carries necessary provisions, including food, water, and cloth. It should also be stated that I carry a number of trinkets on me, including a locket of the Goddess Vexa and a ring passed down to me from my mother, which I will either keep around my neck or on my right pointer finger, depending on whether or not I am wearing a pair of gauntlets. In battle, I may cut away the green garb that I wear above my mail, opting for increased mobility over appearance." [B]Style/Levels:[/B] Weaponry Level 5 (Swords), Healing Magic Level 5, Fisticuffs Level 2 [B]Current Abilities:[/B] [U]Weaponry (Swords), Level 1[/U] [U]Divinity Wave[/U] [I]”May the Goddess Vexa bring the sinful and the unholy to their knees!”[/i] By channeling the power of the Goddess Vexa through her sword, Atalee releases a shockwave of divine energy that does mid-range to long-range damage. This attack does extra damage against unholy creatures such as the undead. [U]Divine Wrath[/U] [I]“May you find redemption in the arms of the mother, the Goddess Vexa!”[/I] Atalee channels the power of the Goddess Vexa through her blade, thus allowing her to release a blast of holy magic at her target. This blast will knock back most targets but cause additional damage to the unholy such as the undead. [U]Hallowed Shock[/U] [I]“The Goddess Vexa gives allows me to wield the power of the sky!”[/I] Atalee channels the power of the Goddess Vexa through her sword, allowing her to shoot electricity from the blade. [U]Holy Stun[/U] [I]“The power of the Goddess Vexa stifles you with its purityl!”[/I] Atalee channels the power of the Goddess Vexa through her sword, allowing a single strike to stun an opponent by transferring the power of the Goddess Vexa into her target. Opponents who are divine or otherwise holy, especially priests, will be immune to the effects of this attack.[/ [U]Retribution Blade[/U] [I]“Through my blade, I introduce will you to the power of the Goddess Vexa!”[/I] Atalee channels the power of the Goddess Vexa through her sword, strengthening the power of her strikes and doing additional damage against the unholy, especially the undead. Her sword loses this power if she lets go of it. [B]Weapons:[/B] “I carry two daggers at my side and my primary weapon, a long sword called Guardian’s Oath.” [B]Personality:[/B] “To say that I am deeply religious would be an understatement. I am a devout worshiper of the Goddess Vexa and also a member of the Order of Vexa, a sisterhood dedicated to fulfilling the wishes of the Goddess Vexa. I will do everything in my power to ensure that her will is made real here on Zenith, even if that means taking the life of another. However, I recognize that violence is not always the answer and am not a violent person by nature. I will typically seek diplomatic solutions to my problems, especially when those who stand in my way mean no real harm. When speaking, I carefully piece together every sentence she makes, ensuring that every word is in place and spoken so that the correct meaning is conveyed. That said, I also do not have much knowledge of the world outside of my monastery. I do not know very much about the outside world or its culture, nor do I know a lot about how people act. My knowledge of the world comes almost exclusively from books. Although I spend a lot of time thinking about what I want to say next, I often find myself saying the wrong things, sometimes things that are completely and utterly inappropriate for a situation. You will have to forgive me for that; I usually do not mean to offend." [B]History:[/B] “We are the Order of Vexa, the devout followers of the Goddess Vexa. Long ago, we founded a monastery deep in a lonely mountain overlooking a thick forest far beyond any known human settlement. We have been there for thousands of years, praying to the Goddess Vexaria to deliver us from Zenith and to Vexaria, a world known only to us from our mothers and by them by their own mothers, from generation by generation, so forth, and so forth, for as long as we have kept records of our existence in our monastery on that lonely mountain. Thus far, our prayers have not been answered, even when years turned into decades, decades into centuries, and centuries into millennia. Still, we continue to pray to the Goddess Vexa, once in the morning, once before every meal, once every afternoon, and then for a final time before we rest our heads. We also continue to fight, having extensive training in both swordsmanship and magic, for we believe that when the Goddess Vexa delivers us to Vexaria, we will be the vanguard of its liberation. There are no records of our order that predate our establishment upon the lonely mountain overlooking the thick brush far removed from civilization. Likewise, few outside of our monastery are aware of our existence, and those who are, have sworn themselves to secrecy. In order to maintain this air of secrecy, our contact with the outside world is limited. We trade the resources that we harvest to manufactured goods in towns along the single road that leads into the forest, posing as adventurers or merchants just passing through. However, since we are a female order, we also seek out able-bodied men to father our children. Once our daughters come of age, they leave to found a suitable mate, somebody who is intelligent, strong, and charismatic, one whose blood will make the next generation even greater than the last. Our daughters will stay with the father until the baby is born and then a choice will be made. If the child is a girl, then the mother will return to the monastery with her daughter, and if the child is a boy, then the mother will abandon the father and her son, in search of a new mate to sire a daughter. My name is Atalee Vayshalum, a member of the Order of Vexa and servant to the Goddess Vexa. I grew up in the monastery, much like my mother before me, my grandmother, and both my daughters and granddaughters will after me. I was born twenty-two years ago and have spent my life praying to the Goddess Vexa and studying her teachings from the Book of Vexa. I learned the ways of both magic and swordsmanship through my mother, being taught how to conjure the power of the Goddess Vexa through my sword, something that Zenithians refer to as holy magic. One night, however, I had a dream. I saw the Goddess Vexa in this dream, and she spoke to me. She explained to me that the Order of Vexa was no longer capable of fulfilling its purpose and that the Exalt, the head of our order, no longer represented her interests on Zenith. Instead, the title of Exalt had become akin to a title of nobility and the Exalt herself was more of an aristocrat than a warrior. She told me that I must leave the order and venture into the outside world. I had no idea what I was supposed to do or where I was supposed to go, but I dared not question the Goddess Vexa. I simply nodded along, listening to her speak, knowing that I was faced with a choice: abandon my friends, my family, and everyone else I held dear or denounce the Goddess Vexa, something I could not possibly do… I made my choice. I left the Order of Vexa. I snuck out in the dead of night, taking only my armor, sword, and whatever I could carry in a sack on my back. I climbed down the lonely mountain we built our monastery into, navigated the huge forest at its base, and followed a path to the closest Zenithian settlement I could find. I spent most of what little money I had to purchase books, maps, and anything else I could use to navigate a world I knew almost nothing about. In truth, this had been my first time outside of the monastery, and likewise, my first time seeing native Zenithians, never mind artisans, craftsmen, farmers, laborers, merchants, and even soldiers. I stayed my first night at an inn and awaited further instruction from the Goddess. I dreamed and dreamed, not allowing myself to awaken until I was given my next instruction. However, the Goddess never came to me. I had no idea what to do or where to go. I even waited an additional day, praying during the day and trying to contact the Goddess in my dreams during the night. Still, I received no message from her, nothing whatsoever. Ultimately, I left the unnamed village, and now I wander the world, searching for my purpose.” [B]Why are you on this journey?[/B] “As I explained previously, I saw the Goddess Vexa in a dream. She told me to abandon the Order of Vexa and venture out into the world so that her will may be done. In the dead of night, I fled, leaving everything behind, and starting my life anew with the Goddess as my guide. However, I have not heard from the Goddess ever since, and I am wandering the world, awaiting further instruction. I suspect that she wants me to figure out my own destiny, to learn what I must do on my own. I also suspect that whatever it is she wants me to do, I will know what it is when I happen upon it. Until then, I will continue wandering, learning about the world an bettering myself in the name of the Goddess Vexa, for I am her sword and shield, and I must be in peak condition if I am to cut down her enemies and defend her name.” [B]Miscellaneous:[/B] "Supposedly, I have a thick accent that I share with my sisters within the Order of Vexa."[/CENTER] [B]Relationship Chart:[/B] [hider=Click Me!]Relationship Chart: [U]Celosia[/U]: “Celosia is a beautiful young woman with a big heart. She would make a wonderful addition to the sisterhood, and perhaps she will one day seek out of the word of the Goddess Vexa to mend her broken spirit.” [U]Sin[/U]: “Sinpher is a dangerous man. He is somebody who believes that the ends justify the means and would cut down anyone who stands in his way. I pray that one day he will open himself up to the world and see that the people he cuts down are mothers, fathers, brothers, and sisters and not just obstacles standing in his way.” [U]Zico[/U]: “I do not trust this man. He hides behind his sharp tongue and cheeky remarks and has amassed himself a fortune using falsehoods and untruths. I pray that to the Goddess Vexa that this man learns how insignificant material wealth truly is and seeks forgiveness for his transgressions against his fellow man.” [U]Tyrell[/U]: “I pray for anybody who dedicates themselves to a life of thievery. However, between petty theft and starving, I think that even the Goddess Vexa would condone his actions if he simply prayed for forgiveness.” [U]Nathimys[/U]: “Nathimys a kind young man, humble, modest, and works for the good of mankind, though I do not understand how such a person could become a complete monster like that on the battlefield. What is he, and why does he become like that? I also worry about his strange fascination with mushrooms. Can he really hear them, or is he afflicted with some kind of illness of the mind?” [U]Joscelin[/U]: “I respect those with a strong sense of justice, and I think that her ideals of heroism will guide her down the right path. Like Celosia, I think that she would make a wonderful addition to the sisterhood, and I may consider speaking to her one day about the word of the Goddess Vexa.” [U]Freya[/U]: “I wonder why Freya chooses to conceal her identity behind such a monstrous costume. She is such a beautiful young woman, her hair long and flowing and her skin soft and fair. I worry somewhat about her tendency to loot corpses and hopes that she does so with respect to those that had died. I also hope that she does not get too caught up in the material value of the items she collects. According to the Book of Vexa, it does not matter how class, status, or how much wealth we have accumulated, but instead what we have done with what we were given in this world…” [U]Jythrel:[/U] “Are all middle-aged men like this, or is Jythrel an exception? I grew up in a monastery after all, so my experience with men, never mind men of his age is limited, at best. At first, he seems like a kindly man, willing to talk to everyone about everything, but then, some of his remarks seem… suggestive in nature, and I am unsure that it is appropriate to say such things to a servant of the Goddess Vexa.” [U]Leon:[/U] “Leon is an affable young man, though I worry that his kindness and compassion is just a front for something deeper. In a sense, he is a lot like Celosia, and like her, I think it would do him some good to listen to the word of the Goddess Vexa.” [U]Mayaquen[/U]: “Mayaquen is passionate, to say the least. I pray that he does not lose sight of who he is in his quest for the tablets.” [U]Jitters[/U]: “This creature is an abomination, and I cannot condone its destructive tendencies. However, this creature is also a creation of the Goddess Vexa, and so long as it fights beside me to fulfill the wishes of the Mother Goddess, I cannot turn away its help. It should also be said that I trust the abomination far more than Ava, Sinpher, or Zico.” [U]Ava[/U]: “I do not have words to describe this young woman. She is cruel and twisted, and I pray that she finds redemption in the arms of the Goddess Vexa before it is too late. I would trust both the self-proclaimed gentlemen and that abomination long before I trust this woman…” [u]Azelius[/u]: “Everybody has their hobbies, and for Azelius, that hobby is fighting. I think that it is commendable that he is pursuing what makes him happy, but I also think that everybody has a duty to give something back to the world and make it a better place than it was when they entered it. Will Azelius do this, or is he only interested in his hedonistic pursuit of ecstasy?” [u]Beatrice[/u]: “To indiscriminately hate any single group and to view them as less than human, I do not know if that is something that I can tolerate. When people let themselves be consumed by hatred, they will undoubtedly become dangerous and irrational individuals, those who will inevitably need to be put down. I pray to the Goddess Vexa that Beatrice does not bring harm to the innocent, regardless of what they believe and who they worship, or else I will have to do everything in my power to end her…” [u]Anneka[/u]: “I think that Anneka is a sweet young woman, and I pray to the Goddess Vexa that she finds success in whatever she decides to pursue. She has a heart of gold, and we undoubtedly need more people like her in the world. Perhaps she would be willing to listen to the word of the Goddess Vexa..."[/hider] [B]Theme Song:[/B] [hider=Click Me!][youtube]xufDmX-xI0c[/youtube] Piano Arrangement: [youtube]UdP6islWI8I[/youtube][/hider]