The assembly of 3 turned toward the queen with some amount of surprise on Jochi's face, anger on both Revaz and Beowulf. When the queen finished talking, it was Revaz that spoke before Jochi, fixating the queen. "My gods you've got guts to come at this table." Jochi, knowing where this was going raised his hand to stop Revaz from continuing. "I am terribly sorry that Her Lordship Samarkand is unable to greet you with a smile, we however were discussing the... motives of the Academy closing its doors. We found it hard for us to not see this as you taking us as a guarantee that no nation would use this moment of weakness to attempt any... bold political moves." Revaz crossed her arms. "In short, we're you're damn hostages since you don't trust us not to break the truce." It was Beowulf that finished this by muttering. "Not that we can blame you." Jochi didn't bother to try and lessen the words of those at his table, for he knew it wouldn't change anything and for he shared their sentiment. "I will not spit at the chance of negotiations, but I will mention that I have have high doubt they will come to expect the need of our nations and some people may have doubt to your willingness to grant anything after a possible war against the foreigners without your kingdom forcing Helgland in a truce by allying with everyone else in the continent, again. I will admit we on this table have been contemplating the idea that perhaps... your side is not the one that would be the most profitable to be on." Not all that subtle, and extremely clear. You're not just negotiating to have us on your side, but also to make sure we're not on the other.