Sayto saw the attack coming, luckily he'd already been prepared for another escape attempt, the lightning surrounding his hands crackled as he swung a punch downwards towards the wizard as if to take the attack in order to deliver one. Then in the middle of this motion Sayto once again used his lightning step, he once more turned into the familiar bolt of black lightning, only to reappear a mere foot behind his opponent where he continued his punch from before. Sayto could feel it, the effects of using lightning step again too soon. He didn't allow it to show on his face, but he could definitely feel it. He couldn't do that too many more times or else it could become very costly very quickly. However, this particular type of magic was extremely unpredictable. "I can't really afford any mistakes, or I won't be prepared for the next fight." Sayto thought "This one's clever, I'll give him that much, but he's got so many more clever strategies he hasn't even thought of yet." He continued all In thought