"Maybe I will," Thor replied with a laugh. "But I couldn't, I would just worry... I will only leave if there is some seriously urgent matter." He knew perfectly well that Loki was being slightly dramatic, but he played along. Loki was still ill and he was allowed to react to it in whatever way he wanted. If being dramatic made him feel better then that was fine. "You enjoy teasing me about everything," Thor sighed with a good natured smile. He didn't mind at all. He was used to it all, Loki had always liked to make fun of Thor. Although who didn't tease their older sibling? "It was a terrible turn of events and I have nothing to do but wander the streets for what seemed like eons!" Thor proclaimed dramatically, quite shocked when Loki just hugged him. He smiled, hugging his brother back. "Well... This place is too technological. I do not like all the... computers? That is the word. And the televisions. but it is decent enough, I guess." He grinned. He was partly serious but mostly joking. "If it is what you think will make you happiest, Loki, then I completely support you. As long as we organise some kind of visiting, so we can see each other." He nodded. "If you want you can stay in the tower, or I can set you up with a flat," Tony shrugged. "Though we may have to clear things with SHIELD and such..." He frowned at that. That would be difficult, but it was a problem for another day. Tony took a deep breath of the fresh air upon reaching outside, bathing in the sunlight for just a few moments. It was nice to be outside, for once. It was something he didn't do too often. "It is, isn't it?" He smiled at Loki, turning to look at him. Though Loki tried to make his shaking legs unnoticeable, Tony just about spotted it. "I'll get us some chairs." After a bit of a search around the roof he found three chairs from another time on the roof, dragging them over to where they were. Thor was silent, predominantly concentrating on supporting Loki and making sure that he was okay.