[b]Name:[/b] Riley Harrison [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Guardian:[/b] His mother, Carolyn [b]Physical Description:[/b] [hider=Appearance][img]http://static.tumblr.com/c3eb559bce420c16c528e746da9c7c6d/esfu7lq/fS1my7v26/tumblr_static_gllnz1u.jpg[/img][/hider] Riley is tall, nearly passing six feet in height, with an athletic build. His falls in long, shaggy curls, which he usually has pushed back carelessly from his face. His eyes are a light yellow-brown, almost topaz coloured. His appearance is usually very casual, with a lopsided grin at his lips, simple trousers and button-downs his choice of dress, and he has a wooden switchblade which he is usually fidgeting with, twirling between his fingers. His arms are covered in gash-like scars. [b]Mental Description:[/b] From a very young age, Riley could be described as morbid, and cold. His mind was infected with an indifference that disabled him from forming close relationships, with the exception of his mother. He regards life with an unfaltering apathy, taking interest only in death, in suffering and pain, often catching himself imagining how a passerby's skin would resist the tug of his fingers if he ripped it off of them. [b]Illnesses of the Mind:[/b] Emotionless indifference in regard other people, as well as situational apathy. It is very difficult to get him to care about anything, including himself. He doesn't understand why he is the way he is, and he punishes himself for it-- each morbid thought is another cut on his body. However, obviously, his methods are counterproductive. [b]Illnesses of the Body:[/b] Physical addiction to pain, self-inflicted and inflicted upon others. [b]Prior History:[/b] When angry or upset, Riley lashes out with violence, often hurting those around him. This behaviour starting at a young age, therapists passed it off as an attention deficit, claiming it would fade over time. However, much to his dismay, the opposite occurred. Over the years, his thoughts only became more violent, more angry. He was popular in school, and utilised sports as a way to release his anger-- but was often pulled out of the games due to injuries caused to other players. In late middle school, he received his switchblade-- a birthday gift sent in the mail from his absent father, who had much to do with the anger that Riley felt. Unable to understand why he is the way he is, Riley felt the need to punish himself; each new morbid thought was another cut on his body. Obviously, his methods were counterproductive. During the night he would sneak out of his room, sometimes vanishing for several days, before returning with his clothes soaked in blood, having slaughtered any small animal he could capture. He kept parts of each kill, a foot or an ear, not as trophies, but as a reminder of the monster that he was. His freshman year of highschool, at 14, his mother noticed his cuts and attempted to reach out to him and offer him help-- he retaliated using violence, and badly hurt the one person he trusted. Driven too far by his actions, his mother enrolled him at St. Vincent. [b]Likes:[/b] Sports, women, his mother, solitude, writing. [b]Dislikes:[/b] Men, father-figures, large groups, forced interactions. [b]Goal:[/b] To destroy the monster taking over his life ((Or to learn to embrace it, we'll see :rolleyes )) [b]Dream:[/b] To earn his mother's forgiveness for hurting her, and to punish his father for leaving their family [b]Primary Sin:[/b] Wrath [b]Darkest Desire:[/b] To give in and just allow himself to enjoy the feeling of killing, to stop fighting and to embrace his nature.