This roleplay basis is from the creative mind of Desire, from another RPG. I thank her for this. [center][b][u]The rivalry:[/b][/u][/center] [center]April 10th, 1781 An entry from the dairy of Danielle Cabelle Coven leader of the Italian vampires Dearest Diary, It is April the Tenth in the year seventeen eighty-one and I've finally escaped their grasp. Three years of captivity and the Cacciatori have finally slipped up. They left the door to my cell unlocked to fetch something. So much for their "good little vampire." I'm writing this in an alley. I know I do not have much time, they will notice my absence so I am making it my sole responsibility to warn future generations of my kind. Stay. Away. From. The. Human. Race. No matter how terribly you crave the blood in their veins or their awe of your beauty, stay away. They are destructive and wicked. Creatures from hell. Fear the Cacciatori. They have connections in every city on this earth. They exist solely to hunt down the Immortals: Lycans, Faeries, Warlocks, Witches, and us. They are the cause for the Salem Witch trials as well as the rivalry between all immortals. No matter how powerful you are, I beg of you: do not challenge them alone. They are human, but elite and great in number. They know of all our secrets and so I am cataloging theirs before they come for me. They exist in every city and know our vices. They are called the Cacciatori and adore symbols. Some of their common ones are birds of prey, the bow and arrow, Artemis (Greek goddess of the hunt), and the crescent moon. They have seperated our kinds since the begining of time. We used to be peaceful, us Immortals, living together in harmony. Now we absolutely cannot tolerate each other. The reason for this is the Cacciatori. They cause fighting and war between covens of night children (vampires), packs of lycans (werewolves), wards of warlocks, clans of witches, and guilds of faeries. That way, we are too absorbed in our own battles to see what is coming. A storm. Please, if you are reading this, I beg of you. Fear the Cacciatori. They've destroyed my coven, the most ancient and elite coven of night children in all of Italy, as well as the nearby Roman lycan pack. In one blow. Again I'll say it, set aside the rivalries. Other Immortals are not your enemies. The Cacciatori are. Footsteps. Howling. They're coming for me so I must go. They will take me back and kill me, hopefully it will be quickly. Dear God, they're here. It'll be anything but quick. A fellow prisioner of mine has shared with me a spell to keep this letter safe until it is once again needed. I hope I've said enough. Farewell, Danielle Cabelle Coven leader of the Italian vampires[/center]