[centre][IMG]http://i61.tinypic.com/wt8zrs.png[/IMG][/centre] "This is not the time or the place, Dahlia." Across the large round table in the council room, the silver haired man spoke, firmly, to a rather young looking, beautiful brunette woman. Her deep sapphire eyes shot towards him. The council of witches was having yet another meeting, and Sable, the elder wizard, was notoriously difficult for dark witches to get through to, but Dahlia was determined. She was among the oldest there, older than Sable even, but her mind was set and very little stopped her then. "When is the time then?" She inquired, her candy red lips moved in well contemplated thoughts. "Once it has begun? You know the war is inevitable, so why not just take the world by storm? It is ours for the taking after all." "No." He firmly stated, his grey eyes locking with hers. Leave it to a pacifistic white wizard, Dahlia thought. "The war is avoidable, and this ball coming up should prove that much." "Or it may prove disastrous. Think about it, wars have been raging between the races for years, just looking at the vampires and lycanthropes should prove that much." She countered. Sable was getting irritated, and the whole council could see it. "I don't see why you are so set on this." A witch to Dahlia's right spoke, and she shot a look. "Because, look at our history. We always get thrown into wars, and the weaker minded of us are helpless to stand up, so they get manipulated. Of all of the races, if all of the witches banded together, nothing could stop us. We harness powers that others couldn't even dream of, so its our turn to show the world, or we destroy it trying." She quipped, her eyes darkening slightly. A sigh escaped Sable who looked to Dahlia once more. "You and I will discuss more later, we have other issues to discuss." Dahlia knew that wasn't good, but then again, Sable didn't threaten her any, no one in the council did. Sable continued though, "As we all know, the ball is days away, and all of us are expected.to be in attendance, and our history with vampires and lycanthropes is just as murky as their history with each other, so I remind youto be on your best behavior." "We aren't children." Dahlia hissed, her already dark eyes darkening again. Her forte was dark magic, so no one should have been alarmed, but her emotions were quite hectic when her powers were so unstable. She may have learned stability, but some times it still got the best of her. "I move.for a five minute recess." Another wizard said. "We've been here for hours, perhaps some fresh air will help." Before the motion was carried, Dahlia walked outside the room and into the courtyard. The coven had a beautiful set of land, but now she was waiting. Oh, the council would see what she meant, just they wait. [Url=http://s2.thisnext.com/media/largest_dimension/4EA46487.jpg]Outfit[/Url] --- [centre][IMG]http://i57.tinypic.com/25s8n69.png[/IMG][/centre] The breeze from the fan felt nice, it was divine, but clearly it wasn't all that he wanted. Dark eyes fixated at the drained blood bag near his feet, Elijah barely registered anything else. It was hard, especially with the coven preparing for the ball ahead. Frankly, Elijah could care.pess between war and peace, he had seen so much that he knew both were oddly symbiotic. In order to have peace war was necessary, and in order for war to begin peace must be wanted. In his eyes, the war was just looming, and he would be glad once it started. Not because he was for it, but because the anticipation made his coven on edge, knowing just how hard it would be for them if something they did started the war. With a sigh, he stood, grabbing a jacket from the coat rack and heading out the door. It was overcast, which was nice, but what made it better was the fact it wasn't burning him. Sure, prolonged exposuremcould severely injure him or kill him, but the clouds made that much less likely to occur. He needed more blood, fresh blood, and that was perhaps the only good thing about that would come of a new war. No one would regulate how many vampires were out looking for fresh blood. It wasn't long before he entered a bar, and he sat there, looking to the brunette bartender. It was fairly empty, and he gave a charming smile when she walked over. "What could I get for you?" "Bourbon, and a shot of you." He answered, his pupils dialating slightly as he spoke, and once the alcohol was placed before him, he watched.her offer him her wrist, and he looked a moment before he took his knige and cut her palm and watched as it dripped.into his glass and he took a sip. It was going to be a good night, that was certain.