Loki coughed rather badly, He tried to hide it, as it sounded very bad again . His eyes had dark shadows underneath. He was looking at Thor "Uh huh." He said in reponse to Thor's words, He knew Thor was mainly playing along. He really did feel awful, it was cause enough to be dramatic for him. Plus sickness was something that annoyed him. He had gone paler. He was glad for the chair, He sat down in it. The god looked miserable. He didn't want them to know he was feeling really bad again. He was trying to hide what he could. He wanted to not have them worry about him. He felt terrible really. The god was shivering, He knew they would make him go inside if they noticed he was feeling bad. THe god's fever had gotten higher as well. LOki coughed again cover his mouth. The cold air seemed to be getting to him as w ell. "Ah poor Thor." LOki teased. He grinned looking at him. He knew that Thor wasn't so used to technolgy and such. He smiled amused. Loki still found it all confusing as well, but he did seem interested in it too. He smiled and looked at him "Oh Thor I would still visit you, I just at this stage don't know how I feel and what I want to do, I know when I feel down , I think stuff that I don't mean, although I am sure I am unhappy at home." The god knew he should wait until his mental state was better to decide. He was feeling miserable "I like staying with you Tony, but that is only if you ever wanted me to stay, I Mean I don't want to be a problem." He frowned "But there is SHIELD yeah...," He shrugged a bit.