[i] Don’t say something unless you mean it,[/i] Fenrir tried to recall what it was he said, wondering how he had managed to upset her. He wasn’t sure. He let out a deep sigh, still hopelessly lost. [i]Well, at least I apologized for it, [/i] he thought, feeling a bit relieved. [i]Still… she looks a little cute when she’s upset,[/i] something he now came to acknowledge with the worry was off his mind. Then again, had there been a time he hadn’t found her attractive in some way? By the time Fenrir had finished this thought, Rose had finished in the kitchen and made her way toward the dining room. Rather than asking him to move, however, she squeezed past him. This drove him crazy; being so close to her, he caught a whiff of her scent. He wanted to grab her and embrace her, as he had the night before. He was only barely able to stop himself. As she slid by, he could almost swear that he had heard her heart pounding, but figured it was probably just his. All these emotions, these feelings he had, they spurred from more than just physical attraction. They also came from of an idea, one several years in the making; the idea that he could have [i]someone[/i], someone to love. But he wasn’t selfish, and he wasn’t dense. He knew that she didn’t feel the same way, and he figured she’d need time to even just [i]accept[/i] this idea. He only hoped that one day she would, and that he might be able to express these feelings. Until then, he knew he had to keep himself reserved, and that’s tough when you’re half-beast. [i]Half-beast…[/i] That’s right, she didn’t even know he was Lycan yet, did she? What if she hated Lycan; what if she would never be able to accept him? When would he tell her, or would she just somehow find out? His mind raced with questions, overcome by the same uneasiness that had plagued him the day before. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. For now, he’d just focus on being human. Finally, finishing this moment of quiet contemplation, Fenrir reentered the dining room. By that time, Rose and Willow had finished setting everything up. He moved up next to Rose, pulling out a chair for her. “Please, have a seat.” He offered.