Needs a working title, feel free to offer alternatives. ----- Basically...your character kills themselves and end up in the afterlife's waiting room. Apparently, good or bad, all are treated equally in this waiting room...everyone has a number, and is waiting to be called up and allowed to go through the exit to reincarnation. Well, almost everybody has a number...except for you, and all the other people who committed suicide. All who have committed suicide have forfeited their place in line, and must wait for all of the numbered people to finally be reincarnated, as well as the new souls to be incarnated. Some people have been here forever, all the way back since 3000BC...only a few, there have been exceptions made for their reincarnation. So...take a seat, pick up a health magazine, and wait to finally be called up...? Oh, I think not... [hider=The Waiting Room][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] A mundane enough modern style waiting room. Take a seat and wait your turn, or you can wander through the place if you'd like?[/hider] ----- And so, your character is stuck waiting for their turn to reincarnate...this 'purgatory' isn't so dull, though. Linked to this waiting room are quite a number of other 'spaces' of interest, emulating several places that existed/exist...people stuck here under the same reason, suicide, they have found their place in a number of the spaces. [hider=The Samurai Room ][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] Actually, a number of rooms...and not only samurai, but other warriors have congregated here. The tatami rooms are where the warriors meditate or prepare, and the outside spaces connected to these series of room are their battlefields. Since one cannot die in the afterlife/purgatory, and they have a lot of time...true warriors have gathered to the Samurai rooms for an endless battle royal. One battlefield (massive) setting is a scorched plain with a volcanic Mount Fuji in the background, the sky is red and ash falls endlessly. Another battlefield (1-4 person fights) setting is a large snowy bonsai garden, with snow endlessly falling, yet never building up to become too much.[/hider] [hider=Alices' House][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] A Victorian style country estate complete with stables, separate guest houses, a small lake...all this, surrounded by endless forest, beautiful days and nights. A place only people with the name 'Alice' (or similar) can find. Names including, and not entirely limited to: Alice, Alison, Alex, Alec, Eric, Iris, Ares, Arisu...[/hider] [hider=The Bunker][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] ???[/hider] [hider=Stormy Lighthouse][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] A lighthouse in the middle of an endless ocean, endless storm...loners and depressed people feel at home.[/hider] [hider=The Heights Apartment][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] A large apartment full of messy, barren, or destroyed rooms. People who are in denial of their situation in this purgatory naturally gravitate to coming here, to repeat acts of suicide, believing they truly end themselves in this place.[/hider] [hider=The Forum][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL] A roman style forum. Many different people gather here and socialise, while the geekier/nerdier people head into the buildings' computer rooms to play the afterlife's equivalent of their favorite video games with each other.[/hider] Other rooms/spaces can be made if this actually becomes a thing. ----- Where will your character be? Where will your character do? Comments, opinions? Things I should add/remove/change? Let me know if you're interested.