[center][img]http://i309.photobucket.com/albums/kk383/Shabiolonzo/Artwork/SikerChronoAsylum3.png[/img][/center] Welcome fellow guildmates, I will be your host and guide as we delve into the insanity that haunts us all. However before we start, I have a question. How does one go about defeating a monster, a monster that is a reflection of our own inner madness? [center][i][b]When silver bullets dent, there is but one way to eradicate the mallum of alchemy. "To kill a monster, you need a monster."[/center][/i][/b] Chrono Asylum is a relic of pre-guildfall, it's legacy is one that lasted for over 3 years, coming to an end at that fated calamity. This however gave me the perfect challenge to reboot to franchise, add details, solidify the plot and in essence create an experience that will be enjoyable for everyone. If you enjoy an RP that has a concrete plot-line, abundance of themes and an intertwining story that will span over several months and years, than Chrono Asylum will serve its purpose in catering to please and satisfy. [center]Now let us begin our stroll....[/center] [indent]Since the dawn of Mankind's innocence and subsequent fall, he has always sought dominion over that which lies beyond the perimeters of understanding This unquenchable thirst for the taboo lead Man into discovering a force of change, one that could transcend mortals from the restraints cast by their own limitations. A mallum known as Alchemy which man aimed to exploit so as to sever the chains of stagnation and usher in their own individual utopia. In essence Alchemy is merely a harbinger of change for it transmutes one's will into existence, an instrument of limitless possibilities. However, a price must always be paid for causality demands it. Those that seek to surpass the domain of man are cursed to never return to it, such is the law of insannadition. This law foreshadows the final fate of Alchemists, to lose their raison d'etre. Their reason of existence, sense of self all of it fades till all that is left is the husk of humanity. The use of Alchemy drains one's sanity till they eventually become monsters guided by their carnal and most basic desire, destruction. To prevent the world from plummeting into decay, one organization took root near the 1400s with the purpose to curb the ensuing madness. Alchemy Management and Restraint Organization or A.M.R.O served as a straight jacket, a constant reminder of a looming presence and lidless eyes that observed everything. Gradually this shadow organization grew to gargantuan proportions, monopolizing alchemy and succeeding in controlling Alchemy. "To kill a monster you need a monster", this rationality was the bases behind the fleeting peace which A.M.R.O had gained. To deal with monsters, they created monsters of their own. Alchemic warriors trained and hardened to face the brunt of insanity and serve as the shield, as the containment. As such they no longer called themselves Alchemists but went by another name, a name befitting their position as the greatest foe madness can face, they are called [b]Asylums.[/b] You will be one of these Asylums and your role is crucial for it is at a time where A.M.R.O's hold is weakening, the tides are changing and the shadows constantly waver. Behind the facade of peace, storms are brewing with a feeling that A.M.R.O is no longer the only organization of its kind. Good luck~ [/indent] I am looking for around two to three RPers. The selection process will be based on the sign up sheets you provide. This will not be a first come first serve, but a selection based on merit. However in my books merit does not translate into quantity, but quality. Quality in terms of writing as well as in terms of contribution. Such as how active you are, socializing in the OOC in essence how well you contribute to the CA family. [hider=Sign up Sheet] Sign up sheet ~ Credit to Mikael for layout Name: ...your name! Nickname/Title: Either a title that you are famous by and has its own story, or a nickname your fellow asylums can call you. You don't have to have one. Team Title: All asylum teams can have titles if they are skilled/well respected enough by other asylum teams. Having a title also means that other asylum teams have heard of you.* Gender: Male or Female Age: Your choice, but must be between 17 and under 40. Position: Asylum Specialty: Sniffer, Hunter, Hybrid, or Silencer -- the four main asylum soldier divisions.* Alchemic Style: Vocem, Sigillum, Motem. You have to choose a combination of two! Asylum Code: All asylums have a Roman Numeral code tattooed somewhere on their body -- it is their number and nobody else can have it. This means that your character sheets can be rejected because it wants a number someone already has. Write the Roman Numeral you desire along with the translated number in (parenthesis). Then write where it is located on the body. Your number cannot be zero or 1 through 12, as those are for the 12 Chrono Asylums. So, for example, LXXI (71). Located on the back of the skull. If you need help with the Roman Numerals, use this site: http://www.novaroma.org/via_romana/numbers.html Weapons: You may have only 3 weapons. While A.M.R.O's technology is a hundred years advance try to be creative with your weapons, but don't let them become too futuristic. If you need help, post your questions in the OOC thread. There is one other element in Weapons that you could consider: AMRO's Anti-Alchemy substance. This substance, when inside an alchemist's body, disrupts their alchemy power. The typical way to use anti Alchemy is to put them in your bullets, so that if one bullet hits an alchemist, it'll set you up for a killing shot. If you have more questions on this, please post them in the OOC thread, as it is a very interesting subject that many people trying to join have misunderstood. Alchemy specialization: Also known as Alch-Specs. But first, let me make something perfectly clear: all asylums can use all kinds of alchemy, but every asylum has his or her own specialization, which is basically just a kind of alchemy that they excel at. Although there are thousands of asylums working for AMRO that have the same alch-spec, for story purposes, all the players' asylums must have different alch-specs. This means that your character sheets can be rejected because it wants an alch-spec that someone already has. If you need help picking an alch-spec, don't be shy to ask for help in the OOC thread. Appearance: Describe your character's physique, appearance, and clothing, in at least paragraphs. Personality: Describe your character's personality with at least 2 paragraphs. History: Writing your character's backstory is not necessary at the time of character sheet submission. But later on, it would be a good idea to create one and show it in the story. You also don't have to show your character's entire backstory here if you prefer. Other: Any additional information. Other: Any additional information. List of Alchemy specialization that are too over powered or reserved* Blood Manipulation Thought projection Instant regeneration Space and time Gravity Darkness manipulation Ice manipulation Nova* Molecular manipulation Deconstruction reconstruction at a molecular level (This list is subjected to increase) [/hider] [b]Added information:[/b] Asylums always work in pairs, hence you will have to create two characters. I look forward to reading the characters you all provide and hope to see many more join the CA family. ^.^ If you are interested and wish for a more detailed read I would suggest reading the OOC would be quite crucial. [center][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/27927]Chrono Asylum: Prelude to Madness~[/url][/center]