The blaze continued to spread rapidly, and Victoria had to cover her mouth and nose with her left hand to stop herself from inhaling the smoke and ash that was creeping through the streets of Magnolia. She turned her head to the citizens, and then to the fight going on between her guild mates and the lightning mage. He was quite powerful, but they would have to be okay with fighting him alone for the time being. Victoria skated quickly over to the civilians, ushering them away from the scene. “The fire is still growing, it's not safe for you here.” She helped up an elderly woman, keeping her supported over her shoulder. “What about the other citizens?” The woman asked between pants. She wasn't hurt, but the smoke was making it harder for her to breathe. “A state of emergency has been called by the towns council, they are all evacuating the area with the help of other Fairy Tail mages.” At least this is was Victoria assumed to be the case. She began to walk the others out of the area, turning back to see Sasha and a few others she didn't recognise trying to put out the blaze. In the background, lightning and debris was flying everywhere. She was about to turn back around when a stray blast of lightning soars straight over Sasha and struck the building she was trying to put out. There was a loud clash, and suddenly the home began to topple down over Sasha. Gasping in horror, Victoria quickly handed the elderly lady over to another citizen and rushed over to her. She began to panic as the debris began to slowly fall down on her guild mate. “Sasha!” She yelled, skating over to her as fast as she could, but she wasn't going to make it in time. Just as Sasha was about to be entombed in the destroyed house, a loud gunshot was heard followed by a human-looking figure quickly dashing past Victoria at insane speeds. Jack quickly landed in front of Sasha, sending a swift uppercut towards one of the collapsed walls as it was about to flatten Sasha. His gauntlet glowed red, and another loud gunshot erupted as the debris was sent flying and crashing into the street. The recoil of the shot held so much pressure behind it that the ground began to crack under his feet, but he stood strong. More debris began to collapse on top of them, but Jack was ready. A large, white magic circle expanded beneath him, and his starfire gauntlets disappeared in a flash of brilliant light. When the light faded, Jack had raised arms above him, catching debris on a giant shield which was attached firmly to his forearm. Despite his strength, Victoria could see his face twist in pain every time a large piece of debris slammed straight into the shield. Victoria quickly skated over to them, raising her hand gently; creating a golden magic circle over Jack's head. A large platform of crystal materialised above him, being held by four pillars. The debris began to crash into that, forming large cracks on its surface. It wouldn't last long at all, but it was enough for Jack to put away his shield and move Sasha away from the house. Jack laughed with delight, bouncing up and down on the spot with his fists placed in front of his face. He shadow boxed for a moment, turning around to face Victoria and Sasha with a large, stupid grin. “That was awesome! You should have seen the look on your face, Tori, when I swooped in and punched that wall away. You were practically swooning.” Victoria ignored his taunts, checking to see if Sasha was okay. “No cuts, bruises or burns. That's a relief.” She shot a dirty look in the direction of the fight. “I understand if he came to attack us, but putting the lives of innocents in danger is despicable.” Victoria stood up, another magic circle appearing beneath her to create a new pair of prism skates. Jack whistled, folding his arms across his broad chest. “Watch out, Tori's joining the fray. As much as I'd love to pummel that asshats face in, I think I'm gonna stick with Sasha and help her put out the fire.” Jack putting out fires was unusual, since he seemed more like the type to start them. Victoria didn't complain, simply nodding to him before dashing away on her skates to where the fight was. Jack watched her go, slightly regretting giving up the opportunity to get into a good fight. He looked back at Sasha with a smile. “Alright, you keep putting out the fires and I'll protect you from any collapsing walls or debris.” He requiped his starfire gauntlets, walking in front of Sasha towards the blaze. Meanwhile, Victoria had taken a detour to the fight scene, moving swiftly through an alleyway and hopping onto one of the walls. She began to scale the wall, her hands and boots covered in sharp, crystal like claws to help her latch onto the wall. When she reached the top of the building, she looked out over the fight from her vantage point. She saw Azrul begin to pull the assailant towards him, as well as everything else. Watching the gravitational pull gave Victoria an idea. It was risky, but she figured Azrul wouldn't mind. Victoria twirled on the spot, raising her arms above her head like a ballerina. Her magic circle expanded behind her, and she suddenly put her right foot down firmly in front of her and held out both her palms towards the scene of the fight. “Prism Carnival” She spoke softly, feeling her magic power gather behind her and twist and tighten together. Several elongated arrows of light began to materialise around her. They shimmered beautifully with an assortment of light, colours. At the last moment, she changed the direction of her hands to aim wide to the left of the fight, firing off the volley of arrows. From this perspective, it would seem as though all the arrows would miss, landing right behind the Lightning Magic; however the gravitational pull of Azrul's magic caused the arrows to begin to arc towards the unknown mage as they were pulled in towards Azrul.