Brisa had moved too slowly getting out of Autry’s house and back to her parents, and the darkness had caught her. She was afraid to leave Autry’s house now; so she had started to head to one of the rooms with a fireplace to get a fire on for the night. She was half shaking but the task helped calm her, she even got to use a little bit of magic to start the fire. Autry wasn’t there and she wouldn’t scold Brisa for showing off. Besides there was no one to see. Autry’s other apprentice, Atrus, was nowhere to be seen…she assumed he had left or whatever had happened to Autry had happened to him. She would go and look around the village in the daylight. Brisa just couldn’t stomach the idea of spending a night in the dark. Not when she knew in her heart, and her gut, that something was dreadfully wrong. Thus getting the fire up and roaring was her first goal, the second was to light a brace of candles and several sconces around the house. And the third task was to fetch something to eat. She hadn’t realized it but she was starving. A pitcher of milk from Autry’s cold box, a loaf of bread, and apple and a wedge of cheese would make a fine meal. She was carrying it back to the study where she had the fire when she heard a voice. At Kaya’s call she almost jumped out of her skin. And she very nearly spilled her milk. Terrified Brisa peeked around the corner to see who was out there. She had a horrible sinking feeling it was a ghost or a spirit. Spotting Kaya in the doorway a deep sigh escaped her and she quickly set down her tray of food. She recognized the other girl though she didn’t know her personally. Brisa didn’t really know anyone personally, not even Atrus and she saw him almost every day. People thought she was too weird, dressing like a boy, running wild in the woods whenever she could. She didn’t mind her lack of friends before, now though she really wished she had a friend. She could use one. Another known villager was the next best thing however and Brisa stood, brushed her palms on her hips, and walked forward. “Hi” she said softly. “Get inside quickly. Its safer in here.” Brisa all but pulled Kaya inside and slammed the door behind her. The slam of the door was extremely loud in the unnatural silence and Brisa winced visibly. Brisa grabbed the tray of food and beckoned Kaya to join her in the room with the fire and candles. “What happened?” she said to the other girl. “Is Autry ok? Is she coming back?”