Bardock turned is head to watch the fight. It was amusing, but this wasn't the time to eat popcorn and watch a show. He dismounted Fenrir and looked at Kelvin with a smile, "I'm sure our fun will begin soon. We just have to be ready to win." Bardock pulled out his quiver and started to count the arrows and of what types. "I have a good amount of explosive and frost arrows, and I can call upon my strongest guardian if we really get in a pinch. What we need to do now is either get set up so we can support our friend over there or we can set up so me and you can take him on next. Your choice." Bardock said. He didn't want to admit it, but he wanted to jump into the fight as much as Kelvin, but he had to keep his cool. A tactician, even in the heat of battle, can't lose his cool head. (Sorry for the short post. My comp broke and I have only had access to the internet via my phone. Comp should be fixed by sunday.)