so how does this sound for my raiment? Raiment: The Soulforged Taking the meaning of the word "raiment" perhaps somewhat literally, The Soulforged is not a weapon but an exquisite set of armor which covers the entirety of the user's body. The armor is seemingly made out of polished bronze and its design is obviously ancient, a mixture of solid plates and small scales which together manage to cover the entirety of the body. While the armor's material and design are eyecatching enough it's also covered in runes from head to toe, each scale inscribed with an individual symbol while the solid plate cuirass, pauldrons, gauntlets, grieves and indeed the helmet are covered in intrincate diagrams. Not a single symbol is ever repeated across the whole armor and the entire set seems to blend together into little more than decorative carvings, requiring close inspection to make it all out. The Soulforged is a very practical Raiment, instead of providing stranger or more complicated powers it simply boosts the user's physical capabilities to supernatural levels, making them innordinately strong, fast and tough. In exchange it lacks the more complex magical abilities of other Raiments, makes the use of weapons or implements practically impossible (as they tend to simply shatter from the Raiment's power) and, perhaps worst of all, The Soulforged attaches itself to the user's body, a painful and traumatic process which has killed potential knights in the past. The helmet is the only removable part, while the rest of the armor only ever detaches itself after the death of its user.