"Now, see, Eeyis, that was [i]exactly[/i] my plan. I'm glad that we're on the same page!" The goblin smiled toothily down (down, which was particularly strange for one of his height, but such were the wonders of sitting upon wagons) at his murderous friend. "Though actually I was hoping you'd just walk away instead of..." Something interrupted them, though; a gregarious fellow who looked as if he'd just been trying to get a drink but had instead been thrown out upon being unable to pay his outstanding tab. He really seemed to have let himself go, though his decent-enough armor and clothing (which had also seen better days) spoke of adventure that he may have once been on himself. Regardless of the present state of his finances, though, he wanted to know if they were looking for adventure. "No." No, he wasn't looking for adventure. Adventure wouldn't leave him alone, but he certainly wasn't [i]looking[/i] for it. He had a respectable business to get back to (he idly wondered if those guards had been removed from the street yet, or if he'd have to move so that potential customers wouldn't avoid his shop due to the smell), and his idea of adventure was walking around the country making maps, anyway! And he'd already done that! Sometimes Dssialii hated the fates. No, he hated them more often than that. [i]Most of the time[/i], Dssialii hated the fates. But such was the life of a poor goblin such as himself, apparently; thus was his lot in life. And here was Eeyis completely ignoring the best way to deal with this situation. Why did they have to try to fix it? Why, if he'd just continued walking away as if nothing had happened instead of trying to send this bumpkin off to tell them "Hey, that guy over there killed this fine lady's mother but would prefer if you'd just let it go," they could have gotten off scott free! Now they were going to have to deal with angry crowds and possibly some guards and... Well, Eeyis would have to deal with them. Dssialii would just look on with that toothy smile of his and enjoy the show. Already Eeyis was showing off his heritage: Dssialii would swear that both of his parents and their parents before them must have been gypsy actors and actresses with the way that their descendant slipped so readily into showmanship mode. He didn't seem capable of downplaying something even were his life on the line! The goblin snickered as he considered that maybe the monologue would be longer this time, though he couldn't think of what self-righteous drivel Eeyis would be able to make up to tell their corpses this time. "This is what you get for trying to follow the gods' commands of justice!"... or something of that sort. It would surely be hilarious regardless, and Dssialii trusted in his friend's skill enough that he knew he'd not need to provide any assistance, anyway.