Slowly taking hold of his companions hand, Sieben pulled himself and Darren closer. He turned around and held Darrens left hand with his own left hand, and the same with the other hand. Now, Between Darrens front torso and Siebens back was just a tad space. "This might hurt a bit but don't worry just relax." Sieben Said before milions of small veins connected to Darren. "I need a little bit of your.... help, if you don't mind" Sieben stole just a little amount of blood, before Darren could reply. "Now down we goo~o." Sieben yelled as he shot some veins upward and pulled them bought up, while jumping at the same time. They bought fell down and landed on the mighty body of an ox. Sieben instantly used his vein magic to drive his veins as deep as possible into the body of the ox. At the same time he began stealing blood. But to his surprise the ox went furious and charged forward in the attempt to rid himself off his enemies. and there was no sign of blood loss effecting the cussed ox. Also the blood that Sieben stole gave him more power than any other blood till now, while at the same time misery, hate and anger filed his heart. In a successful attempt to steer the ox. Sieben used vein magic and from each hand a vein burst out into the side of the ox head. "Let's go show our new ride to the others." Sieben said and a grim smile drew on his face. The veins slowly began to change colours as well. From bright red and purple to pitch black.