Thank goodness that he was not a thinker. Because right now. All he could foresee is failure, or massive casualties....Oh and failure. Did he mention the we are all going to die? Probably not going to say that out loud. Right right. Lets smile and nod. Yeah. "Well at least only one of us dies with that plan....Erg I mean there is likely a better solution. Sparring with a guy who can move the stars above is likely bad for ones health. Even worse is betting on someone to slow him down." He glances over to supergirl and shrugs, with an apologetic look. "Er...No offense." He holds up his hand a single finger lifted to illustrate his point. "Oh and lets not forget the blind search part, and the super computer brain that spends who knows how many hours thinking and rethinking scenarios in which he is devising ways to counter.....In short. We can assume he thought of everything we are thinking. Lets not think! How about We do the stupid blind offense thing? Hit like the books on finals week!" I DIDNOTJUST SAY THAT..... "I promise I will never make any more suggestions after this one really really bad but might work one." He smiles expecting a tongue lashing and or a literal one.