Johannes was already awake in his room when Vladimir came by with the wake-up call, half-adorned in his armor. He looked at the man who opened his door and smiled. "Good morning." He had barely started speaking before Vladimir moved on to the next door, but his point had been made: Johannes Lunaris was a punctual, disciplined soldier. He wouldn't hold the others up by being the last to wake up, even if he wasn't the first. In many ways, Johannes was the ideal soldier: awake early, on time, obedient, powerful, and a good team player. He was hoping that his comrades would prove similar, and so far he hadn't been particularly disappointed from what he immediately saw. The Child of the Dark Sun and the mercenary Leon Thorne were the two who stuck out in his mind the most at this point, but he was hopeful the full group would get on better terms as time went on. Or, more accurately, he was sure because he would do his damnedest to make it happen. Finishing the process of adorning his armor, Johannes grabbed his rucksack and continued down the hall toward the courtyard. While he waited, he looked a bit around, mainly at the commanders present. Each was a formidable presence on their own, but together he had no doubts that this campaign would be a success. The only questions were how long it would take and how many men and women would die in securing the world's peace. It wasn't a thought he was particularly fond of, but he would keep his mouth shut. He knew damn well that if these people weren't around to fight and die, many more would perish in their stead. When the full group had arrived, Johannes stood silently as the commanders and the Queen gave their own forms of farewell, leaving them in the hands of Justicar Valerian. He was significantly comforted by the fact that the Justicar was at least a familiar face, if nothing else. He was used to dealing with members of the Lunar Watch, as well as its leaders. People like him were...well-known among the Watch. When Justicar Valerian asked if they had anything to say, Johannes didn't hesitate to speak up. "This is more for my comrades' sake than my own. I never did properly introduce myself. My name is Johannes Lunaris, and as you likely noticed yesterday, I am gifted with the blessings of Lun. It was for this reason that I was brought to the Lunar Watch, and it has been, in large part, responsible for my abilities and my position within the Watch. I hope that we may fight well during this campaign. I was uneasy to be working with those not affiliated with my own group at first, but after meeting all of those present, my unease proved to be unfounded. I'm confident in our abilities, so long as we can work together."