Silence ensued. It was pretty awkward in Shigetoshi's opinion. The young man did his best to ignore it. And to ignore how hypersensitive he was to Tatsuki. He could tell how close he was, what he was doing, the intense look on the other's man face. And he needed to stop staring, even if he was being oblique about it. When Tatsuki sighed Shigetoshi cringed inwardly. Was Tatsuki annoyed with him? It was hard to tell, and Shigetoshi was known for blowing personal things out of proportion. And then Tatsuki was touching him again. It was all too fleeting and the other man was gone. Shigetoshi leaned against the counter and closed his eyes. He concentrated on taking deep breaths to get a hold of himself. When he was sure he had some control he opened his eyes and stood up straight. He ran a hand over his hair and gave a sigh of his very own. Funny, that when Tatsuki was in the room he wanted him to leave. But now that he was gone. [i]No[/i]. Shigetoshi told himself firmly. No. He wasn't going to go down that path. Perhaps he should go down to the village here soon and find himself some comfort? It would probably make him less likely to jump his guest. Shigetoshi entertained the idea all the way back to his room. However as he prepared for bed it was wan't a faceless man he imagined, it was Tatsuki. Frustrated and angry at himself he crawled under the covers and tried to sleep. Not that it was possible. His black eyes opened as a sound from outside summons his attention. Shigetoshi sighed loudly and tossed aside the covers. It was probably the monkeys again to play in the springs. They were a pest, but they cause no real harm. Still, it was something to vent upon. So the Innkeeper lit a lantern, threw open the sliding door and stepped out into the night. Expecting monkeys the sight he did see was a complete surprise.