Genevieve's ears registered movement, but she did not wake completely. For another half hour she stayed in her restful state. Once she did awaken, she smiled softly as she sat up thinking about the day's work and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes. She'd have to go downstairs and...she stopped as she opened her eyes. The events from the day before came back to her abruptly and she leaned back against the tree. It wasn't a dream. She really was on a road trip towards the Castle for some unknown reason. She glanced around quickly and realized Prince Jax was no where to be found. She ran a hand through her hair as she stood slowly. Her back ached from sleeping on the bed roll. Her bed had been mightily uncomfortable at times, but it was still a bed. There is in fact a difference from a bed roll and a bed. She stretched as she glanced around their makeshift camp. Which consisted of a bed roll, a horse, and a slight impression on the grass from where Jax had slept. She could see the imprints of his feet near the horse and wondered if he was in the direction in which they went. If she were to follow the tracks she wondered what could happen. Would he get mad at her for leaving camp? Maybe he was hunting or something and she'd just scare off any game that he had cornered. So she sat back down on the bedroll. After about 10 minutes she began to wonder what was going on. She briefly recalled the sound of movement almost an hour before she had woken herself. So that would mean he had been gone for approximately an hour and a half. She stood again and eyed the tracks. What could the man honestly do to her if she was just worried? Right? She walked in the direction in which they pointed. There was a time she could no longer see the tracks in the ground and worried maybe she would get herself lost. It was then that she came across a river. Next to it's bank sat a pair of clothing and...a bloody duck. She glanced at the water and realized her mistake: Jax was swimming in the water butt naked. "oh my god." She said as she turned around quickly. His back was turned to her...maybe he hadn't heard her yet? With the uttering of her words she doubted it. She crept back towards camp as quietly as she could. Her cheeks burned from the embarrassment. If he hadn't known she had come across him maybe it wasn't honestly an embarrassment? The thought comforted Genevieve a little, but nonetheless her cheeks burned fiercely. She grabbed her bag from the horse and pulled out her book. She decided to act casual for when he came back to camp. So she sat down on the bed roll and began to read. Her eyes did not focus on the pages, however, her mind was still on the river incident. She felt like slapping herself.