[b]System of Tevintar; Olympus Mons[/b] In the edge of the galaxy, the Empire of Tevintar was sat, seething and glaring at the lesser races as usual, it never trusted anyone, since the great betrayal, and it had lead to an unending disdain of the entire galaxy, but not quite the universe. However, as much as they hated them, Tevintar just, lounged in its edge and did nothing. That is, until it's outer most communications, a small rock called Olympus Mons, picked up a wave of drones, heading their way. From the trajectory, it was not so much heading for them, as searching this part of the galaxy, for something, but they none the less had been found. A quick relay with Command, gave them the orders. "Destroy them, but salvage the on-board CPU, we want to know what they know". And so, the long-range orbital flak cannon, designed to eliminate drop pods more than anything, fired off a storm of metal, shredding the drones to bits. Out of the wreckage that fell to the Comms array's ground, only five of them where deemed salvageable, and taken back to base. Once there, the cores they had been able to rescue where cracked into, and the firewalls quickly, and efficently, torn down to reveal the information with in. There was some basic stuff in here they already knew, like scans of surrounding planets, habitants, and that sort of thing. But, there was one thing that was big news, the part about the 'temple' that would give anyone that found it a single wish. Olympus Mons related it to Tevintar quickly, thinking it was a grand way to recover their position, and remove everything that had happened during the Great Betrayal, but the Emperor had different plans. "It's like the Infinity War all over again. The galaxy will tear itself apart for this, and then the victors will step over the rubble to find, naught but rust and ash. Well, we can't do much about ambition but we can stop these ' Harlaci' from messing their whole race up. Mobilize the fleet, let's go be nice, for a change" The Emperor ordered, and with that the great and rather big Kabal Fleet docked with Two Gluttony carriers, and followed Gaia's Arm out, into the Galaxy to prevent a second galactic war, for some stupid, and most probably insubstantial prize.