Without anything to do, Autharyx just waits patiently for Viltez to finish deciding. He feels... just a little nervous, though he can't really grap why. It wasn't like he's trying to win Viltez' favour, as humans had often tried to do with him. No, this was just an offer of convenience. They both needed to eat, didn't they? A small smile spreads over his face when Viltez accepts the food, growing even wider when he expresses a desire to hunt together. He was eager to see more of the forest, and'practice with his tail' could only mean he would get to satisfy his curiosity some more. It still left the issue of how he was going to spend his day, but discovering the town some more would do. "I think hunting together sounds like a great plan. The woods are different from my lake, but theft seem interesting enough in their own way. I'll go get my fruit. Do you eat it raw or do you want to do stuff with it again? " He asks over his shoulder as he heads of towards where he'd left his bag in the bedroom earlier.