As Mars asked his question Ivy's face went red and she inhaled sharply with rage, her Aura flaring up in response to her emotional outrage at such a question. So much so that a the pitch black form of a large raven formed on her shoulder and cawed sharply in Mar's direction, her eyes narrowing tightly at him she growled through gritted teeth as the dark-nen-bird flapped it's wings in a threatening display "Watch your tongue, or you'll lose it." While the she was a bruiser for a living and was never much of a 'classy lady' even when she had been living as her rich fathers little girl, she did not like such distasteful questions or conduct to be directed at her. Perhaps it was her personal sense of honor, perhaps it was growing up in a situation where is someone asked her that kind of thing they'd have their eyes, tongue, and ears removed as well as their knee caps broken, then left in an ally way so others would know not to make the same dumb mistake. His question spoke of disrespect, and had embarrassed her none the less. She was already quite sure she wasn't going to get along with this hat wearing weirdo all that well. She then responded to the Doctor who offered to address her wounds. She turned her head to respond to him, but her raven kept its eyes on Mars "There nothing serious, provide me a few bandages and some disinfectant and I'll be fine by morning." Before she could continue any thoughts, threats or even dispel her Raven, more hunters arrived. Non she really knew of, but she could feel a powerful aura from each of them, even that giggling hat head was no slouch. She was sure there was no fight here that would be easy to win. It made her a little more reassured that this trip wasn't a suicide mission. Though the display made by Nera and Mars made her glance back at the Lev with a rather questioning glance and saying "Yeah, this is just the picture of professionalism." Ivy didn't show any real reaction to the announcements of the teams but when it was revealed that her and Mars were to be paired together her Raven cawed loudly as if angered. -Well, better me and his team than someone else.- she thought -Probable best to have a raven out often to keep an eye on him.- She took a moment to gesture to all who had arrived and stated. "Nice to meet ya'll, most of ya'll at least" the raven, still facing Mars, cawed "I'm Ivy K Raven."