Sayto still was grinning like a madman, even as his opponent used his next spell. He watched as Azurl placed his spell on himself, for a moment this caught Sayto off guard. Fortunately for him though, his fighting instincts took over. He could feel it, the force of gravity around this wizard had increased. For a moment Sayto tried to hold his ground, but soon found himself sliding toward the Gravity Wizard. "Clever." He thought, "He caught onto my lightning step's weakness and he's trying to exploit it." He continued in his head. He heard a whizzing noise and turned to see a swarm of deadly crystal looking arrows curving themselves with this new gravity. "And this one." He thought again "Using her arrows to follow the curve of this new gravity in order to hit me while I fight it... Smart..." He looked back at Azurl "Alright then," he continued to think to himself. "Let's do something you're not expecting." He finished his thought process and then prepared for his strike. He once again gathered his magic energy and then, using all of the physical strength he could muster, he launched himself towards his opponent throwing himself out of the arrows tragectory, and essentially copying the attack used on Sayto himself mere moments ago. After he leapt towards his target he once more covered his hands in lightning and prepared to strike Azurl with all his might, hoping the gravity wizard wouldn't be able to counter in time. With his own jumping strength enhanced even farther by Azurl's own power and throwing in his black lightning. This attack was going somewhere, Sayto just hoped it happened to be his adversary.